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Ripley's believe it or not: Wonder book of strange facts (World scope family library)

von Robert Le Roy Ripley

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21Keine1,086,983 (5)1
Following on from the rip-roaring success of Ripley's Believe It Or Not 2005 and 2006, the all-new version, Ripley's Believe It Or Not 2007 brings together some of the world's most inspired, hilarious and downright strange individuals together in one unique volume! Planet Earth is teeming with people who possess a multitude of habits, obsessions and experiences -- many of them crazy, some of them unbelievable! This terrific book brings you the wildest weirdos, the freakiest fanatics and the world's most extraordinary eccentrics! From Jim Mouth, the man who can shove 157 straws into his mouth at once, to a man who builds replicas of entire cities from packs of cards (and then knocks them down with a leaf blower!), this a book overflowing with excitement. The key to the success of Ripley's Believe It Or Not has been its insistence on using an entirely new set of characters for each book. So see here for the first time The Great Throwdini, a knife-throwing minister from New York, Elastic Man (able to turn his feet around 180 degrees), a man who lifts weights -- with his ears! -- and Stevie Starr, a 34-year old Scotsman and professional regurgitator! Dare you enter the wild and wacky world of Ripley's Believe It Or Not?… (mehr)
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Following on from the rip-roaring success of Ripley's Believe It Or Not 2005 and 2006, the all-new version, Ripley's Believe It Or Not 2007 brings together some of the world's most inspired, hilarious and downright strange individuals together in one unique volume! Planet Earth is teeming with people who possess a multitude of habits, obsessions and experiences -- many of them crazy, some of them unbelievable! This terrific book brings you the wildest weirdos, the freakiest fanatics and the world's most extraordinary eccentrics! From Jim Mouth, the man who can shove 157 straws into his mouth at once, to a man who builds replicas of entire cities from packs of cards (and then knocks them down with a leaf blower!), this a book overflowing with excitement. The key to the success of Ripley's Believe It Or Not has been its insistence on using an entirely new set of characters for each book. So see here for the first time The Great Throwdini, a knife-throwing minister from New York, Elastic Man (able to turn his feet around 180 degrees), a man who lifts weights -- with his ears! -- and Stevie Starr, a 34-year old Scotsman and professional regurgitator! Dare you enter the wild and wacky world of Ripley's Believe It Or Not?

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