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Finding Your Purpose: A Guidebook to a More Meaningful Life

von Cindi Saj

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Do you feel as though you're spinning your wheels, trying to find your place in the world? Finding Your Purpose is a practical journey toward finding out who you are, what brings you happiness and meaning to your life. Once you've identified the things that bring meaning and purpose to your life, you'll discover how to set attainable goals to bring you closer to living each day with gratitude and intention. It's hard to stick to a journey of self-reflection and self-care if you do not see the benefits right away. Dr. Cindi Saj and Christa Smith share research that demonstrates how vital knowing your purpose is to self-esteem and well-being. They also introduce proven and essential techniques in positive psychology, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), and mindfulness practices to help you along your journey to a more meaningful life. In addition, each chapter includes self-reflection questions and action steps to help you bring the tools into action in your life. Whether you are delving into self-exploration on your own, have a counsellor or are a counselor in training, Finding Your Purpose is a companion on the journey.… (mehr)
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Do you feel as though you're spinning your wheels, trying to find your place in the world? Finding Your Purpose is a practical journey toward finding out who you are, what brings you happiness and meaning to your life. Once you've identified the things that bring meaning and purpose to your life, you'll discover how to set attainable goals to bring you closer to living each day with gratitude and intention. It's hard to stick to a journey of self-reflection and self-care if you do not see the benefits right away. Dr. Cindi Saj and Christa Smith share research that demonstrates how vital knowing your purpose is to self-esteem and well-being. They also introduce proven and essential techniques in positive psychology, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), and mindfulness practices to help you along your journey to a more meaningful life. In addition, each chapter includes self-reflection questions and action steps to help you bring the tools into action in your life. Whether you are delving into self-exploration on your own, have a counsellor or are a counselor in training, Finding Your Purpose is a companion on the journey.

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