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Volcano Violence (Charlotte Gibson Mysteries Book 10)

von Jasmine Webb

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There are rumblings underfoot, and Charlie has to try and stop her whole life from exploding around her... With Jake on the mend, Charlie decides she's going to hunt down the man who shot him and bring him to justice. But that soon turns out to be harder than expected, with the man in question having fled to the Big Island. Away from her home base and the island she knows and loves, Charlie finds herself facing new challenges, but bringing in new business, as well. As it turns out, the Big Island is full of its own shady characters, and Charlie is hired to bring one of them to justice. But as she gets closer to finding the man who shot Jake, Charlie realizes he's going to stop at nothing to keep his freedom. Even if that means getting rid of Charlie. Will Charlie be able to bring him to justice, or is everything about to blow up in her face?… (mehr)
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There are rumblings underfoot, and Charlie has to try and stop her whole life from exploding around her... With Jake on the mend, Charlie decides she's going to hunt down the man who shot him and bring him to justice. But that soon turns out to be harder than expected, with the man in question having fled to the Big Island. Away from her home base and the island she knows and loves, Charlie finds herself facing new challenges, but bringing in new business, as well. As it turns out, the Big Island is full of its own shady characters, and Charlie is hired to bring one of them to justice. But as she gets closer to finding the man who shot Jake, Charlie realizes he's going to stop at nothing to keep his freedom. Even if that means getting rid of Charlie. Will Charlie be able to bring him to justice, or is everything about to blow up in her face?

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