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The Inner Game of Investing: Access the Power of Your Investment Personality (Wiley Investment)

von Derrick Niederman

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Unlike other investment books that dole out one brand of advice to a potentially diverse readership, this unique book guides you to your own best personal strategy by showing you what types of stocks fit your individual style. Written in a witty and engaging style by securities analyst and long-time financial columnist Derrick Niederman, The Inner Game of Investing reveals the Seven Stock Market Personalities: The Bargain Hunter, The Visionary, The Contrarian, The Sentimentalist, The Skeptic, The Trader, and The Adventurist. You will be amazed to see how your own psychological attributes and predispositions interact with the market and how they may be blinding you to both habitual mistakes and golden opportunities. Niederman's invaluable insights extend into other aspects of investing, including widely held, but often misguided beliefs about the irrationality and efficiency of the market, the psychological nuances of dealing with market professionals, and the general psychology of analyzing stocks. The Inner Game of Investing shines a light into areas of your personal investment process. This is one book that could change the way you invest and raise your stock market skills to a level you never thought possible.… (mehr)
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Unlike other investment books that dole out one brand of advice to a potentially diverse readership, this unique book guides you to your own best personal strategy by showing you what types of stocks fit your individual style. Written in a witty and engaging style by securities analyst and long-time financial columnist Derrick Niederman, The Inner Game of Investing reveals the Seven Stock Market Personalities: The Bargain Hunter, The Visionary, The Contrarian, The Sentimentalist, The Skeptic, The Trader, and The Adventurist. You will be amazed to see how your own psychological attributes and predispositions interact with the market and how they may be blinding you to both habitual mistakes and golden opportunities. Niederman's invaluable insights extend into other aspects of investing, including widely held, but often misguided beliefs about the irrationality and efficiency of the market, the psychological nuances of dealing with market professionals, and the general psychology of analyzing stocks. The Inner Game of Investing shines a light into areas of your personal investment process. This is one book that could change the way you invest and raise your stock market skills to a level you never thought possible.

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