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von Jeffrey R. Nelson

Reihen: Images of America [Arcadia] (Pennsylvania)

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Explore the city of Erie and its historic, vibrant past through this stunning collection of photographs. Nestled on the south shore of Lake Erie is the bustling city of Erie, Pennsylvania. The inhabitants share a community history spanning nearly three centuries and four nations. Erie was originally home to the Native American Erie Nation. Subsequently, French, English, and American military units have been posted at Presque Isle. The city's diverse heritage comes to life in this delightful pictorial history, as photography lends image to experience. The marvelous photographs offer a distinctly unique view of the working, merchant, and upper classes within the city. The archives of the Erie Historical Museum and Planetarium, the Firefighters Historical Museum, and several private collections provide the basis for this visual history spanning from the 1860s to the 1940s. The harbor of Erie and Presque Isle was a land of opportunity for immigrants in the nineteenth century and this book captures their triumphant survival in the New World. It also chronicles life through World War I, the Roaring Twenties, and the Great Depression.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vondougb56586, bakerie, Lynch4, erieartmuseum
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Explore the city of Erie and its historic, vibrant past through this stunning collection of photographs. Nestled on the south shore of Lake Erie is the bustling city of Erie, Pennsylvania. The inhabitants share a community history spanning nearly three centuries and four nations. Erie was originally home to the Native American Erie Nation. Subsequently, French, English, and American military units have been posted at Presque Isle. The city's diverse heritage comes to life in this delightful pictorial history, as photography lends image to experience. The marvelous photographs offer a distinctly unique view of the working, merchant, and upper classes within the city. The archives of the Erie Historical Museum and Planetarium, the Firefighters Historical Museum, and several private collections provide the basis for this visual history spanning from the 1860s to the 1940s. The harbor of Erie and Presque Isle was a land of opportunity for immigrants in the nineteenth century and this book captures their triumphant survival in the New World. It also chronicles life through World War I, the Roaring Twenties, and the Great Depression.

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