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The Portland Red Guide: Sites & Stories of…
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The Portland Red Guide: Sites & Stories of Our Radical Past (2011. Auflage)

von Michael Munk (Autor)

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471557,930 (4)1
A historical guidebook of social dissent, Michael Munk's The Portland Red Guide describes local radicals, their organizations, and their activities in relation to physical sites in the Rose City. With the aid of maps and historical photos, Munk's stories are those that history books often exclude. The historical listings expand readers' perspectives of the unique city and its radical past. The Portland Red Guide is a testament to Portland's rich history of working-class people and organizations that stood against repression and injustice. It honors those who insisted on pursuing a better justification for their lives rather than the quest for material wealth, and who dedicated themselves to offering alternative visions of how to organize society. The Portland Red Guide uses maps to give readers a walking tour of the city as well as to illustrate sites such as the house where Woody Guthrie wrote his Columbia River songs; the office of the Red Squad (the only memorial to John Reed); the home of early feminist Dr. Marie Equi; and the downtown site of Portland's first Afro-American League protest in 1898. This new edition includes up-to-date information about Portland's most contemporary radicals and suggests routes to help readers walk in the shadows of dissidents, radicals, and revolutionaries. These stories challenge mainstream culture and testify that many in Portland were, and still are, motivated to improve the condition of the world rather than their personal status in it.… (mehr)
Titel:The Portland Red Guide: Sites & Stories of Our Radical Past
Autoren:Michael Munk (Autor)
Info:Ooligan Press (2011), Edition: Second Edition, Revised, 272 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


The Portland Red Guide: Sites & Stories of Our Radical Past von Michael Munk

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The Portland Red Guide is “a modest start toward a more respectful public understanding and rehabilitation of a neglected part of Portland’s common heritage.” Ph.D. in Political Science Michael Munk compiles an alternative history to the one commemorated on local street signs, buildings, neighborhood names and park benches exalting the dynasties of fur impresarios, land grabbers, timber barons and industry magnates.
Munk details the Portland area’s radical past, from 19th century “Utopians and Marxists”, to “Wobblies and Socialists” (1900-1930), “Unions and Commies” (1930s), “McCarthyism and Cold War” (WWII-1960), “Peaceniks and Civil Rights” (1960 -1973), on up to the state of “Identities and Protests” movements circa 2010. As the chapter titles suggest, there is a good deal of overlap between the radical movements of one era and the next -- one of the most interesting features of the guide is its ability to trace the connection between, say, the Progressive Party’s 1948 “Bachelors for Wallace” campaign (organized, no less, by a communist) and the Mattachine Society for gay rights.
The Portland Red Guide effectively presents an alternate version of far right wing history as well, as Munk chronicles the establishment’s opposition to radicalism. One of Munk’s best resources for radical history, he reports, was the files of the Portland Police Bureau’s notoriously underhanded Red Squad.
Despite some technical flaws, The Portland Red Guide is an important effort that seeks to ask who gets to write our history, “Who Gets to Name?”. Every city should have one. For, as Munk invokes, “Until the lions have their historians, tales of hunting will always glorify the hunter - African Proverb.” ( )
  Trey.Stockard | Aug 12, 2015 |
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A historical guidebook of social dissent, Michael Munk's The Portland Red Guide describes local radicals, their organizations, and their activities in relation to physical sites in the Rose City. With the aid of maps and historical photos, Munk's stories are those that history books often exclude. The historical listings expand readers' perspectives of the unique city and its radical past. The Portland Red Guide is a testament to Portland's rich history of working-class people and organizations that stood against repression and injustice. It honors those who insisted on pursuing a better justification for their lives rather than the quest for material wealth, and who dedicated themselves to offering alternative visions of how to organize society. The Portland Red Guide uses maps to give readers a walking tour of the city as well as to illustrate sites such as the house where Woody Guthrie wrote his Columbia River songs; the office of the Red Squad (the only memorial to John Reed); the home of early feminist Dr. Marie Equi; and the downtown site of Portland's first Afro-American League protest in 1898. This new edition includes up-to-date information about Portland's most contemporary radicals and suggests routes to help readers walk in the shadows of dissidents, radicals, and revolutionaries. These stories challenge mainstream culture and testify that many in Portland were, and still are, motivated to improve the condition of the world rather than their personal status in it.

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