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It's Kind of a Funny Story von Ned Vizzini
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It's Kind of a Funny Story (Original 2006; 2007. Auflage)

von Ned Vizzini (Autor)

MitgliederRezensionenBeliebtheitDurchschnittliche BewertungDiskussionen
4,4731392,687 (3.96)59
A humorous account of a New York City teenager's battle with depression and his time spent in a psychiatric hospital.
Titel:It's Kind of a Funny Story
Autoren:Ned Vizzini (Autor)
Info:Disney Hyperion (2007), 464 pages
Sammlungen:Lese gerade, Gelesen, aber nicht im Besitz


Eine echt verrückte Story. Roman von Ned Vizzini (2006)

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A depressing retelling of our mental health facilities and the relationships that are formed. While the book was okay overall, the pacing and storytelling just wasn’t something I personally enjoyed. ( )
  EnchantedCabin | Jul 8, 2024 |
Most of it was well-done, but there were some major plot points that really didn't sit well with me.

1) Jennifer is a perfect example of how not to write a trans character. Trans women DO NOT want to "fool" you into having sex with them. Medical staff shouldn't out their trans patients (although God knows many of them probably do), and outing them isn't likely to produce a nonchalant laugh. It's an unbelievably shitty thing to do. Her name isn't "Jennifer/Charles," it's JENNIFER. And similarly, she's a SHE, not a "he/she/it." (Even if you don't agree with me, what kind of human being calls another human being "it"?)

2) When Craig maliciously tells Nia's boyfriend she's taking antidepressants, Vizzini treats it like you're supposed to be cheering for Craig as he alienates people who are not good for him. Er... no. That's a nasty, manipulative, and just plain shitty thing to do to a person. From then on the text treats Nia with total disdain, which is also weird and feels icky.

Other than that? Cute, ridiculously indie, with a few nicely written bits and a few cliche ones. I'm curious if the movie will be better or worse. I really hope they cut the Jennifer bit, because it's unlikely to get better in the retelling. ( )
  caedocyon | Feb 23, 2024 |

Ned Vizzini - It’s Kind of a Funny Story: Immensely talented writer, and his death leaves me feeling rather conflicted about this book. #cursorybookreviews #cursoryreviews ( )
  khage | Jun 18, 2023 |
I picked up this book because it was a monthly selection at our library, and I just grabbed it off a table in the front. It wasn't until I was halfway through that I realized I had already seen the movie (yeah, I know... that's kind of pathetic!). The story was really not funny at all (I didn't necessarily expect it to be). The beginning of the story left me with such angst, though it did end on a hopeful note. It probably didn't help that I learned 3/4 of the way through that the author of this "semi-autobiographical" book had just killed himself. Some of the scenes in the hospital were enlightening/eye-opening to read. In some ways, I was reminded of _A Million Little Pieces_ as I read these parts. Maybe 2.5 stars. ( )
  CarolHicksCase | Mar 12, 2023 |
This book helped me put a lot of things in perspective for me during a rather difficult time personally. I read it on a whim and was not despointed in the slightness. I will always recommend reading it to anyone who wants to understand how it feels to struggle with deep chronic depression. ( )
  Darkredwing | Jan 22, 2022 |
"Insightful and utterly authentic...this is an important book."
hinzugefügt von Awesomeness1 | bearbeitenThe New York Times Book Review, a
"A book about depression that's not the least bit depressing."
hinzugefügt von Awesomeness1 | bearbeitenTeen Vogue, a
"Funny...[Vizzini] supplies personal insights and a clever, self-deprecating tone that make the book and entertaining read."
hinzugefügt von Awesomeness1 | bearbeitenThe Washingston Post, a
"The wise, witty narrator and sensitive handling of a hot topic should win over older teens- and their parents"
hinzugefügt von Awesomeness1 | bearbeitenPeople Magazine, a
"It's terrific: funny, incisive, disarming."
hinzugefügt von Awesomeness1 | bearbeitenNew York Magazine, a
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To my mom. You knew you'd get one sooner or later, and seeing as they're so hard to do, I figured we'd better make it sooner. I love you.
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It's so hard to talk when you want to kill yourself.
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A humorous account of a New York City teenager's battle with depression and his time spent in a psychiatric hospital.

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Durchschnitt: (3.96)
0.5 4
1 13
1.5 2
2 32
2.5 8
3 194
3.5 40
4 327
4.5 34
5 289

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