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World War II: The Home Front (Teaching With Documents)

von ABC-Clio Information Services

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The three exercises in this teaching unit are designed to supplement and enliven your students' study of World War II by involving them in the historical process. World War II: The Home Front includes a booklet containing a teachers guide, a set of reproductions of original documents, and a CD-ROM containing exercise worksheets, digital images of original documents, and sound recordings. Each exercise includes reproductions of documents from the National Archives and suggests classroom activities based on these documents. The documents include correspondence, agency publications, posters, photographs, reports, questionnaires, legislation, press releases, and sound recordings. Students practice the historian's skills as they complete exercises, using these documents to gather information, identify points of view, evaluate evidence, form hypotheses, and draw conclusions. Other units comprising the Teaching With Documents series are: The Constitution: Evolution of a Government The Bill of Rights: Evolution of Personal Liberties The United States Expands West: 1785-1842 Westward Expansion: 1842-1912 The Civil War: Soldiers and Civilians The Progressive Years: 1898-1917 World War I: The Home Front The 1920's The Great Depression and The New Deal The United States At War: 1944 The Truman Years: 1945-1953 Peace and Prosperity: 1953-1961… (mehr)
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The three exercises in this teaching unit are designed to supplement and enliven your students' study of World War II by involving them in the historical process. World War II: The Home Front includes a booklet containing a teachers guide, a set of reproductions of original documents, and a CD-ROM containing exercise worksheets, digital images of original documents, and sound recordings. Each exercise includes reproductions of documents from the National Archives and suggests classroom activities based on these documents. The documents include correspondence, agency publications, posters, photographs, reports, questionnaires, legislation, press releases, and sound recordings. Students practice the historian's skills as they complete exercises, using these documents to gather information, identify points of view, evaluate evidence, form hypotheses, and draw conclusions. Other units comprising the Teaching With Documents series are: The Constitution: Evolution of a Government The Bill of Rights: Evolution of Personal Liberties The United States Expands West: 1785-1842 Westward Expansion: 1842-1912 The Civil War: Soldiers and Civilians The Progressive Years: 1898-1917 World War I: The Home Front The 1920's The Great Depression and The New Deal The United States At War: 1944 The Truman Years: 1945-1953 Peace and Prosperity: 1953-1961

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