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Park and Recreation Structures: Part II -…
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Park and Recreation Structures: Part II - Recreational and Cultural Facilities (1938. Auflage)

von Albert H. Good

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America's parks-and their architectural companion, the log cabin-hold a powerful grip on our imagination. Harkening back to a simpler time, these rustic structures serve as a reminder of America's frontier spirit, and serve as a popular source of inspiration for contemporary architecture, in everything from simple vacation homes to the mansion "lodges" favored by today's wealthy elites. This classic three-volume survey, first published in 1938 by the National Park Service, details in photographs and measured drawings the rich legacy of America's park structures. In over 500 illustrations,Park and Recreation Structures documents picnic tables, dams, drinking fountains, trail signs, storage sheds, bridges, boathouses, lodges, and inns from the glory days of park construction. Reproduced in its entirety in a single volume, this book will serve as a source of ideas, details, and imagery for architects, landscapists, gardeners, and anyone interested in America's national parks.… (mehr)
Titel:Park and Recreation Structures: Part II - Recreational and Cultural Facilities
Autoren:Albert H. Good
Info:United States Department of the Interior National Park Service
Sammlungen:Landscape Construction and Engineering, Landscape History


Park and Recreation Structures von Albert H. Good

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America's parks-and their architectural companion, the log cabin-hold a powerful grip on our imagination. Harkening back to a simpler time, these rustic structures serve as a reminder of America's frontier spirit, and serve as a popular source of inspiration for contemporary architecture, in everything from simple vacation homes to the mansion "lodges" favored by today's wealthy elites. This classic three-volume survey, first published in 1938 by the National Park Service, details in photographs and measured drawings the rich legacy of America's park structures. In over 500 illustrations,Park and Recreation Structures documents picnic tables, dams, drinking fountains, trail signs, storage sheds, bridges, boathouses, lodges, and inns from the glory days of park construction. Reproduced in its entirety in a single volume, this book will serve as a source of ideas, details, and imagery for architects, landscapists, gardeners, and anyone interested in America's national parks.

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