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Antigone's Wake: A Novel of Imperial Athens…
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Antigone's Wake: A Novel of Imperial Athens (2007. Auflage)

von Nicholas Nicastro

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2121,086,983 (4.5)1
Book Description Athens, 440 BC. Under Pericles, the democracy is building its imperial legacy in blood, stone, and ballots. Ruling the stage, Sophocles premieres the tragedy of Antigone, earning renown that propels him to an honorary generalship. But the honor turns serious when war breaks out with the powerful island of Samos. Can Sophocles the playwright now direct real soldiers in a war that will decide the fate of Athens sea empire? ............................. Author Bio: Nicholas Nicastro was born in Astoria, New York in 1963. He has also worked as a film critic, a hospital orderly, a newspaper reporter, a library archivist, a college lecturer in anthropology and psychology, an animal behaviorist, and an advertising salesman. In addition to Antigone s Wake, his published novels include The Eighteenth Captain (1999), Between Two Fires (2002), Empire of Ashes (2004), and The Isle of Stone (2005). His writings also include short fiction, travel and science articles in such publications as The New York Times, The New York Observer, Film Comment, and The International Herald Tribune. ........................... Reviews: Nicastro is an author who clearly relishes his subject. Each sentence bursts with juicy, nurturing historical detail and considered thought about the hopes, aspirations, ideals and troubles of those who lived in the distant past. We follow the triumphs and travails of Sophocles as he struggles to create his art and also be what Athens wants him to be a brilliant general. Athens as a great civilization is constructed in front of our eyes. Nicastro brings to life both the back-streets of the city and the sea-battle-lanes of its Empire. The towering giants of Western history; Sophocles, Euripides, Pericles and his consort Aspasia are, through his vivid imagination, given a voice. This book allows the reader to inhabit the Golden Age of Athens, and to taste its grit as well as its glory. Bettany Hughes, PBS and BBC, author of Helen of Troy: The Story Behind the Most Beautiful Woman in the World… (mehr)
Titel:Antigone's Wake: A Novel of Imperial Athens
Autoren:Nicholas Nicastro
Info:Bella Rosa Books (2007), Paperback, 224 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek
Tags:Sparta - historical fiction


Antigone's Wake von Nicholas Nicastro

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I saw another side of the ancient Greek playwright Sophocles, in this novel. Besides his writing so many plays, many of which are still read today, in his 50s he served as a general during a war between Athens and Samos for nine months or so. In Athens in those days, the Age of Pericles, each able bodied male had to serve in the military until he was 65.] Sophocles has his doubts about serving in that capacity but he is asked by one of the ruling council: "Who has led more men than you [in your capacity as playwright directing dramas], in circumstances the whole city was watching?...[Generalship] is nothing that a capable man like you can't learn very quickly." The main body of the book is taken up with Sophocles' military command. He does win an exciting sea battle at first. The rest of the book is taken up with a siege of Samos Town, subterfuge of the Athenians to enter the city, and the capture of his son.

I appreciated a different view of the man; he became more than just a dry name on a title page. His family: wife, son, and daughter, were brought into the story but not developed all that well. Well, his son was the perfect know-it-all teenager. Portrayals of Sophocles and Pericles were well done. I was glad to learn of a period in history of which I knew nothing. This novel read very quickly. The 'Author's Note' explained the circumstances of this relatively unknown though important event. I liked learning something of the Greek theater of that period and the Dionysia Play Competitions. The awfulness of his war experiences taught him that he could write in a new way and open his horizons in writing. ( )
  janerawoof | Aug 31, 2014 |
This was an excellent book about an episode in ancient Greek history that was new to me. In 440 BC, Athens declared war on the island of Samos. Pericles, the leader during the city's Golden Age recruited the noted playwright Sophocles to be one of ten generals responsible for prosecuting the war. As the protagonist, the book focuses on Sophocles and his relationships with his troubled son Iophon (who unfortunately insists on accompanying his father to Samos), daughter Photia, and wife Nais. The book brings these and other characters to vivid life with humor (and tragedy) in relating what it was like to live in ancient Greece. My only complaint about the book is that it was too short, ending abruptly at the conclusion of the war. I wanted the story to continue as Sophocles led a fascinating life, living to the astounding age (for that time) of 90. I hope Mr. Nicastro will pick up his pen and write a continuation of the story. ( )
  Jamie638 | Feb 23, 2009 |
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Book Description Athens, 440 BC. Under Pericles, the democracy is building its imperial legacy in blood, stone, and ballots. Ruling the stage, Sophocles premieres the tragedy of Antigone, earning renown that propels him to an honorary generalship. But the honor turns serious when war breaks out with the powerful island of Samos. Can Sophocles the playwright now direct real soldiers in a war that will decide the fate of Athens sea empire? ............................. Author Bio: Nicholas Nicastro was born in Astoria, New York in 1963. He has also worked as a film critic, a hospital orderly, a newspaper reporter, a library archivist, a college lecturer in anthropology and psychology, an animal behaviorist, and an advertising salesman. In addition to Antigone s Wake, his published novels include The Eighteenth Captain (1999), Between Two Fires (2002), Empire of Ashes (2004), and The Isle of Stone (2005). His writings also include short fiction, travel and science articles in such publications as The New York Times, The New York Observer, Film Comment, and The International Herald Tribune. ........................... Reviews: Nicastro is an author who clearly relishes his subject. Each sentence bursts with juicy, nurturing historical detail and considered thought about the hopes, aspirations, ideals and troubles of those who lived in the distant past. We follow the triumphs and travails of Sophocles as he struggles to create his art and also be what Athens wants him to be a brilliant general. Athens as a great civilization is constructed in front of our eyes. Nicastro brings to life both the back-streets of the city and the sea-battle-lanes of its Empire. The towering giants of Western history; Sophocles, Euripides, Pericles and his consort Aspasia are, through his vivid imagination, given a voice. This book allows the reader to inhabit the Golden Age of Athens, and to taste its grit as well as its glory. Bettany Hughes, PBS and BBC, author of Helen of Troy: The Story Behind the Most Beautiful Woman in the World

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