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Geliefd von Cecily Von Ziegesar
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Geliefd (2008. Auflage)

von Cecily Von Ziegesar

Reihen: It Girl (5)

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323583,803 (3.51)Keine
Elite Waverly Academy's standards of conduct are strained when Callie and Tinsley recruit a prospective student who is visiting campus to spy for them, in order to implicate Jenny as the arsonist who burned down an antique barn at the Miller farm.
Autoren:Cecily Von Ziegesar
Info:Amsterdam Arena 2008
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek, Noch zu lesen


It Girl - Rasant und unwiderstehlich: Band 5 von Cecily von Ziegesar

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  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
This was my least favourite book in the series, it dragged a fair bit throughout the middle and didn't seem like much was going on. I wasn't very fond of where some the relationships were going and who was with who and all that sort of thing.

The resolutions left something to be desired but the rest of the series turned out fine. ( )
  katie1802 | May 10, 2014 |
Reviewed by Taylor Rector for

After the fire at the barn, the school is in an uproar trying to figure out the culprits of who started it.

As readers of this addicting series already know, ever since Tinsley Carmichael came back to school she has had it in for Jenny. Jenny wasn't the one who started the fire, but that doesn't mean anything as far as Tinsley is concerned.

Bret and Kara have rumors flying about them! What will they do to stop them?

The boys are getting into the usual amount of trouble. Will they help stop the rumors of who started the fire? Or fuel them?

This weekend the prospective students are in town, meaning those already attending the school have to be on good behavior. But do they really know what that is? And does one of the new students have a dirty little secret?

LUCKY is the fifth book in the IT GIRL series, and should be read in order. I wouldn't want to let you ruin such an addictive series by reading them out of order! ( )
  GeniusJen | Oct 12, 2009 |
very good. i recomend it to anyone who like drama ( )
  spaz2011 | Jun 23, 2008 |
I read this book for SSR and it was really great i could not wait until it came out I read all 256 pages. The book is about Jenny and her friends and their boarding school and it starts off rite where the last book was left off which s when they need to find out who burned the old Farm house. When the dean puts out his list of suspects all the students are scared and wonder how hey picked the people. Once its time for the meeting the Dean puts a twist in his decision. Great book would recommend to anyone who has read the other It girl books or if u enjoy Gossip Girl. ( )
  avalencia | Dec 19, 2007 |
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Elite Waverly Academy's standards of conduct are strained when Callie and Tinsley recruit a prospective student who is visiting campus to spy for them, in order to implicate Jenny as the arsonist who burned down an antique barn at the Miller farm.

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