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The Great Ball Game: A Muskogee Story von…
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The Great Ball Game: A Muskogee Story (Original 1994; 1994. Auflage)

von Joseph Bruchac (Autor), Susan L. Roth (Illustrator)

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Bat, who has both wings and teeth, plays an important part in a game between the Birds and the Animals to decide which group is better.
Titel:The Great Ball Game: A Muskogee Story
Autoren:Joseph Bruchac (Autor)
Weitere Autoren:Susan L. Roth (Illustrator)
Info:Dial Books for Young Readers (1994), Edition: First Edition, 32 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek
Tags:Picture book


The Great Ball Game: A Muskogee Story von Joseph Bruchac (1994)

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This book was entertaining and super interesting at the same time. This book tells us a story about an "epic ballgame" between the Birds and the Animals. This book also explains to us how the bat became an animal and the entire reason behind Birds flying south during the winter to escape the cold from the north. ( )
  jlcrews | Nov 19, 2019 |
The prologue notes that ball games were often used to settle disputes, rather than fights or wars. In this story, from the Muskogee (also knon as the Creek) Native Americans, the animals take on the birds in a ball game, which the author chose to base on stickball, a lacrosse-like sport. The side with wings and the side with teeth both reject the bat, who has both. Eventually, the animals succumb and allow the bat to join their team, who ultimately helps them win the game. This story is pourquoi tale that explains why birds migrate South, because after their defeat, the animals made them agree to leave the land for half the year. I am very drawn to paper art and collage, so I love the art used in this book. The wrinkled tissue paper creates texture that adds visual interest. ( )
  HSunseri | Nov 20, 2018 |
Great story as to why the bird always fly south for the winter. I truly love how these folklore stories can make it to where children can understand something and believe in something like this, even if it is not truly the reason. This particular one I had never heard before. I am so glad that i read it because I cannot wait to tell my husband and children this story, too! The bat though, I had to laugh about it, because truly where does a bat fit in?! So, funny cause birds cannot see at night, it is the easiest time to catch my chickens to clip their wings or if they are out their coop to put them back in! Great story though, love it! ( )
  Ashley.Miller | Oct 31, 2018 |
This is a great book for children to show them that even a bat so small, that no one wanted on their team, can make a big play and be an important role. The birds, known as the "wing team", laughed at the bat because it was small and had teeth so they told the bat that it cannot be on their team. The "animal team", who have teeth, took the bat in but told it to stay in the back. When the birds were about to win, because it got dark and the animals cant fly to steal the ball, the bat came to help. Since the bat can see in the dark and can fly, he stole the ball and scored making the animals victorious! It shows that someone so small can make a big difference. Children can benefit from this story a lot. The pictures in the book were also very creative. I really enjoyed this book. ( )
  cmsmit12 | Jan 27, 2017 |
An entertaining picture book about a stickball game played among animals where even a small animal like a bat plays an important role. This would be a good book to use teach a story a lesson that everyone, even a small bat, is an important.
  KristenNevala | Feb 28, 2016 |
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AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Joseph BruchacHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Roth, Susan L.IllustratorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Finnell, AnnGestaltungCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
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Dedicated to the memory of Louis Littlecoon Olliver, Muskogee wearer of stories -- J.B.

To Janet Vulter, with love and appreciation -- S.L.R.
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Long ago, the Birds and Animals had a great argument.
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Bat, who has both wings and teeth, plays an important part in a game between the Birds and the Animals to decide which group is better.

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