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Walking in Scotland's Far North: 62 Mountain Walks (Cicerone British Mountains)

von Andy Walmsley

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The 62 mountain walks in this guidebook cover Scotland's north west peninsula, north of Ullapool. The old counties of Ross and Cromarty, Sutherland, and Caithness contain some of the country's most spectacular scenery, and boast many of the most shapely and challenging hills in the British Isles. Stack Polly, Suilven, and Ben Loyal have been favourite postcard peaks for generations, and many visitors come to the far north just to enjoy the unique scenery with its knobbly gneiss moors, jutting peaks, rugged coastline and unspoilt villages. Attractions include boat trips to offshore islands with impressive sea cliffs and colonies of sea birds, antiquities tracing Scotland's history from stone-age man to the clearances, and a number of low-level scenic attractions such as Britain's highest waterfall and some of the best beaches in the UK. For the more adventurous visitor, the hills offer many outings, from simple half-day walks to demanding multi-day expeditions, and all in Scotland's most wild and lonely terrain. This guide will be a valuable aid for any visitor to the area, giving information on camping and accommodation, road access, local bases, topography and climate, as well as 62 walking routes varying in length from 3km to 56km.… (mehr)
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The 62 mountain walks in this guidebook cover Scotland's north west peninsula, north of Ullapool. The old counties of Ross and Cromarty, Sutherland, and Caithness contain some of the country's most spectacular scenery, and boast many of the most shapely and challenging hills in the British Isles. Stack Polly, Suilven, and Ben Loyal have been favourite postcard peaks for generations, and many visitors come to the far north just to enjoy the unique scenery with its knobbly gneiss moors, jutting peaks, rugged coastline and unspoilt villages. Attractions include boat trips to offshore islands with impressive sea cliffs and colonies of sea birds, antiquities tracing Scotland's history from stone-age man to the clearances, and a number of low-level scenic attractions such as Britain's highest waterfall and some of the best beaches in the UK. For the more adventurous visitor, the hills offer many outings, from simple half-day walks to demanding multi-day expeditions, and all in Scotland's most wild and lonely terrain. This guide will be a valuable aid for any visitor to the area, giving information on camping and accommodation, road access, local bases, topography and climate, as well as 62 walking routes varying in length from 3km to 56km.

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