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101 Foods That Could Save Your Life von…
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101 Foods That Could Save Your Life (2007. Auflage)

von David Grotto

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Health & Fitness. Nonfiction. HTML:

"For the millions of Americans tired of hearing about "what not to eat," this book is a refreshing and enlightening guide to improving your health by adding delicious foods to your diet. Dave's simple explanations for why these foods are potential "life savers" makes the book enjoyable to read, and the recipes bring the science to life on your plate."


When it comes to food, nature provides a wealth of delicious choices. But each one also supplies unique health benefits. Leading nutritionist David Grotto reveals a wealth of power foods, from apples to yogurt, and explains why

• A handful of cherries before bed can help you sleep better
• Hot peppers may fight skin cancer
• Potatoes may reduce the risk of stroke
• Grape juice may be as heart-healthy as red wine
• Honey can help wounds heal faster

Each entry features a history of a food's origin, a list of therapeutic benefits, information on scientific research, tips for use and preparation, and an appetizing recipe from a leading chef or nutritionist. Prepare to awaken your taste buds, lose weight, and let the healing begin!

… (mehr)
Titel:101 Foods That Could Save Your Life
Autoren:David Grotto
Info:Bantam (2007), Edition: 1, Paperback, 464 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


101 Foods That Could Save Your Life von David Grotto

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This is a very good dietary guide . The author is a dietician that was annoyed by all the negative diet books that told people what not to eat . So he decided to write a book that gave positive guidence with food choices . It has an easy alphabetical setup with 2 or 3 pages devoted to each food listed . This should be in everyone's "health" library . Highly recommended ! ( )
  AquariusNat | Jul 2, 2008 |
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Health & Fitness. Nonfiction. HTML:

"For the millions of Americans tired of hearing about "what not to eat," this book is a refreshing and enlightening guide to improving your health by adding delicious foods to your diet. Dave's simple explanations for why these foods are potential "life savers" makes the book enjoyable to read, and the recipes bring the science to life on your plate."


When it comes to food, nature provides a wealth of delicious choices. But each one also supplies unique health benefits. Leading nutritionist David Grotto reveals a wealth of power foods, from apples to yogurt, and explains why

• A handful of cherries before bed can help you sleep better
• Hot peppers may fight skin cancer
• Potatoes may reduce the risk of stroke
• Grape juice may be as heart-healthy as red wine
• Honey can help wounds heal faster

Each entry features a history of a food's origin, a list of therapeutic benefits, information on scientific research, tips for use and preparation, and an appetizing recipe from a leading chef or nutritionist. Prepare to awaken your taste buds, lose weight, and let the healing begin!


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