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The Book of Wine

von Thierry Desseauve

Reihen: Connaisseurs

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Who first had the idea of letting grapes ferment to produce a drink? Wine has been known at least since Biblical times: today, it is grown and drunk all over the world, from the finest grand crus of Bordeaux and Burgundy to the latest impressive vintages coming from the New World. The Book of Wine guides you through the vineyards and cellars of the world, taking the reader on a fascinating tour of the history, production, character, and variety of different methods of good wine, and the people who produce it. Celebrating the diversity of wine production round the world, the book explorers grape-picking in Sauternes, a Portuguese porto-producing quinto, an Australian flying winemaker, and follows the history of bottling and corking from Slovenia to Russia, from the United States to Portugal. Novices and wine experts alike will find this lavishly illustrated volume a compelling read. From the fascinating stories of cellarmen and wine tasters to in-depth profiles of estates and collectors of vintage wines, The Book of Wine provides an intriguing glimpse of the secrets behind the bottle on the store shelf. a Connoisseur's Guide at the back of the book provides practical details on grape varieties and vintages, along with an indispensible lexicon describing and explaining the intricacies of the wine-making process.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonPolarisLibrary3, HDHWC, HarrisonDesign, powerplusen, liao
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Who first had the idea of letting grapes ferment to produce a drink? Wine has been known at least since Biblical times: today, it is grown and drunk all over the world, from the finest grand crus of Bordeaux and Burgundy to the latest impressive vintages coming from the New World. The Book of Wine guides you through the vineyards and cellars of the world, taking the reader on a fascinating tour of the history, production, character, and variety of different methods of good wine, and the people who produce it. Celebrating the diversity of wine production round the world, the book explorers grape-picking in Sauternes, a Portuguese porto-producing quinto, an Australian flying winemaker, and follows the history of bottling and corking from Slovenia to Russia, from the United States to Portugal. Novices and wine experts alike will find this lavishly illustrated volume a compelling read. From the fascinating stories of cellarmen and wine tasters to in-depth profiles of estates and collectors of vintage wines, The Book of Wine provides an intriguing glimpse of the secrets behind the bottle on the store shelf. a Connoisseur's Guide at the back of the book provides practical details on grape varieties and vintages, along with an indispensible lexicon describing and explaining the intricacies of the wine-making process.

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