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The Boy Captive of Old Deerfield (1904)

von Mary P. Wells Smith

Reihen: Old Deerfield (1)

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On the morning of February 29, 1704, a French and Indian force invaded Deerfield, MA, the northwesternmost outpost of the colonial frontier. During the raid, 47 residents of Deerfield were killed and 112 were taken captive by Indian raiders who forced their captives to March north in grueling conditions to Canada. The Boy Captive of Old Deerfield tells the story of 10-year-old Stephen Williams, one of the 112 residents taken captive in the raid. Smith describes Stephen's transition from a boy terrorized by all that has happened to him and to those he loves to a boy who, over time, begins to adapt to the Indian way of life. Come follow Stephen as he battles starvation, learns to hunt, escapes dangerous situations and more. The Boy Captive of Old Deerfield is a true American classic that should be read by people of all ages interested in understanding the best and worst of early American frontier living.… (mehr)
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On the morning of February 29, 1704, a French and Indian force invaded Deerfield, MA, the northwesternmost outpost of the colonial frontier. During the raid, 47 residents of Deerfield were killed and 112 were taken captive by Indian raiders who forced their captives to March north in grueling conditions to Canada. The Boy Captive of Old Deerfield tells the story of 10-year-old Stephen Williams, one of the 112 residents taken captive in the raid. Smith describes Stephen's transition from a boy terrorized by all that has happened to him and to those he loves to a boy who, over time, begins to adapt to the Indian way of life. Come follow Stephen as he battles starvation, learns to hunt, escapes dangerous situations and more. The Boy Captive of Old Deerfield is a true American classic that should be read by people of all ages interested in understanding the best and worst of early American frontier living.

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