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Contrary Notions: The Michael Parenti Reader…
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Contrary Notions: The Michael Parenti Reader (2007. Auflage)

von Michael Parenti (Autor)

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661412,530 (3.71)2
Internationally acclaimed, award-winning author Michael Parenti is one of America's most astute and engaging political analysts. Parenti's work has enlightened and enlivened readers for many years, covering a wide range of subjects. Here is a rich selection of his most lucid and penetrating writings on real history, political life, empire, wealth, class power, technology, culture, ideology, media, environment, sex, and ethnicity. Also included are a few choice selections drawn from his own life experiences and political awakening. Parenti goes where few political observers dare to tread. Time and again he takes the extra step beyond the parameters of permissible opinion, and time and again he succeeds in carrying the reader with him. The selections herein, that are reprinted from previously published works, have been revised and updated. Other offerings appear here for the very first time. "Radical in the true sense of the word, [Parenti] digs at the roots which...sustain our public consciousness."--Los Angeles Times Book Review "Prominent leftist public intellectual Parenti has built a reputation for himself as a trenchant, yet engaging and accessible, critic of capitalism, imperialism, and other forms of exploitation and violence and this diverse collection of his writings will not disappoint his fans (nor, probably, convince his detractors). Over the course of the collection he takes on the corporate media, intellectual repression in academia, the stolen presidential elections of 2000 and 2004 (not that he's a fanof Al Gore or John Kerry), right wing judicial activism, free-market orthodoxies and mythologies, racism, sexism, homophobia, postmodern attacks on Marxism, the distortions of dominant history, ill-informed demonizations of the Venezuelan political process, his own life, and many other topics."--Book News, Inc. "A prolific author, a charismatic speaker, and a regular guest on radio and television talk shows, Parenti communicates his message in an accessible, provocative, and historically informed style that is unrivaled among fellow progressive activists and thinkers."--Aurora Online Michael Parenti is a critically acclaimed author and an extraordinary public speaker. He received his Ph.D. in political science from Yale University and has taught at a number of colleges and universities, in the United States and abroad. He is the author of twenty books, includingSuperpariotism ,The Assassination of Julius Caesar,Inventing Reality, andDemocracy for the Few.… (mehr)
Titel:Contrary Notions: The Michael Parenti Reader
Autoren:Michael Parenti (Autor)
Info:City Lights
Sammlungen:Guestroom, Deine Bibliothek


Contrary Notions: The Michael Parenti Reader von Michael Parenti

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This collection of political essays by American political scientist, historian and “recovering academic” Michael Parenti covers a wide range of topics from class history (including sub-topics of race and gender history) to contemporary issues such ideological censorship in both media and the post-secondary education cartels. A powerful and informative collection. ( )
  Graemesbookcloset | Oct 4, 2012 |
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Internationally acclaimed, award-winning author Michael Parenti is one of America's most astute and engaging political analysts. Parenti's work has enlightened and enlivened readers for many years, covering a wide range of subjects. Here is a rich selection of his most lucid and penetrating writings on real history, political life, empire, wealth, class power, technology, culture, ideology, media, environment, sex, and ethnicity. Also included are a few choice selections drawn from his own life experiences and political awakening. Parenti goes where few political observers dare to tread. Time and again he takes the extra step beyond the parameters of permissible opinion, and time and again he succeeds in carrying the reader with him. The selections herein, that are reprinted from previously published works, have been revised and updated. Other offerings appear here for the very first time. "Radical in the true sense of the word, [Parenti] digs at the roots which...sustain our public consciousness."--Los Angeles Times Book Review "Prominent leftist public intellectual Parenti has built a reputation for himself as a trenchant, yet engaging and accessible, critic of capitalism, imperialism, and other forms of exploitation and violence and this diverse collection of his writings will not disappoint his fans (nor, probably, convince his detractors). Over the course of the collection he takes on the corporate media, intellectual repression in academia, the stolen presidential elections of 2000 and 2004 (not that he's a fanof Al Gore or John Kerry), right wing judicial activism, free-market orthodoxies and mythologies, racism, sexism, homophobia, postmodern attacks on Marxism, the distortions of dominant history, ill-informed demonizations of the Venezuelan political process, his own life, and many other topics."--Book News, Inc. "A prolific author, a charismatic speaker, and a regular guest on radio and television talk shows, Parenti communicates his message in an accessible, provocative, and historically informed style that is unrivaled among fellow progressive activists and thinkers."--Aurora Online Michael Parenti is a critically acclaimed author and an extraordinary public speaker. He received his Ph.D. in political science from Yale University and has taught at a number of colleges and universities, in the United States and abroad. He is the author of twenty books, includingSuperpariotism ,The Assassination of Julius Caesar,Inventing Reality, andDemocracy for the Few.

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