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Philosophical Aesthetics: An Introduction
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Philosophical Aesthetics: An Introduction (1992. Auflage)

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This volume contains surveys of the main issues in philosophicalaesthetics, as discussed by thinkers from ancient Greece to moderntimes. It is written by members of the Open University and theintention throughout is to make the issues intelligible andinteresting to as wide an audience as possible, including thosereaders with a general interest in the arts as well as moreadvanced students. The volume begins with questions about the nature of art andbeauty. Are there any limitations to what may count as a work ofart? Are imitations and forgeries really less valuable thanoriginal works? This is followed by discussions of aestheticexperience, truth and the 'imitation of nature' in works of art. Inlater chapters the emphasis is on the value and evaluation of art.Should art exist for the good of society? What justification isthere for censorship in the case of pornography? The final chaptersdeal with Marxist theories of art, and with structuralist andpost-structuralist views in recent continental writings.… (mehr)
Titel:Philosophical Aesthetics: An Introduction
Info:Blackwell Publishers (1992), Paperback, 520 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Philosophical Aesthetics: An Introduction von Oswald Hanfling

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This volume contains surveys of the main issues in philosophicalaesthetics, as discussed by thinkers from ancient Greece to moderntimes. It is written by members of the Open University and theintention throughout is to make the issues intelligible andinteresting to as wide an audience as possible, including thosereaders with a general interest in the arts as well as moreadvanced students. The volume begins with questions about the nature of art andbeauty. Are there any limitations to what may count as a work ofart? Are imitations and forgeries really less valuable thanoriginal works? This is followed by discussions of aestheticexperience, truth and the 'imitation of nature' in works of art. Inlater chapters the emphasis is on the value and evaluation of art.Should art exist for the good of society? What justification isthere for censorship in the case of pornography? The final chaptersdeal with Marxist theories of art, and with structuralist andpost-structuralist views in recent continental writings.

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