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The Tobacco Atlas

von Judith Mackay

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The Tobacco Atlas is intended for anyone concerned with personal or political health, governance, politics, economics, big business, corporate behaviour, smuggling, tax, religion, internet, allocation of resources, human development and the future. It will be useful for UN agencies, governments and politicians, health officials, the media, researchers, universities, schools, and the general public. The atlas includes full-colour world maps and graphics, revealing similarities and differences between countries, on the history of tobacco, different types of tobacco use, prevalence and consumption, youth smoking, the economics of tobacco, farming and manufacturing, smuggling, the tobacco industry, promotion, profits, trade, smokers' rights, legislative action such as smoke-free areas, bans on tobacco advertising, health warnings, quitting, the effect of price and taxation, litigation and the future of the epidemic. This book illustrates, in an accessible and creative format, how tobacco is not just a simple health issue, but involves economics, big business, politics, trade, litigation, deceit and crimes such as smuggling. The atlas also shows the importance of a multifaceted approach to reducing the epidemic by WHO, other UN agencies, NGOs, the private sector and, in fact, the whole of civil society.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonAndresRussell, raptors_moony, pirelibrary, zhuazhua88
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The Tobacco Atlas is intended for anyone concerned with personal or political health, governance, politics, economics, big business, corporate behaviour, smuggling, tax, religion, internet, allocation of resources, human development and the future. It will be useful for UN agencies, governments and politicians, health officials, the media, researchers, universities, schools, and the general public. The atlas includes full-colour world maps and graphics, revealing similarities and differences between countries, on the history of tobacco, different types of tobacco use, prevalence and consumption, youth smoking, the economics of tobacco, farming and manufacturing, smuggling, the tobacco industry, promotion, profits, trade, smokers' rights, legislative action such as smoke-free areas, bans on tobacco advertising, health warnings, quitting, the effect of price and taxation, litigation and the future of the epidemic. This book illustrates, in an accessible and creative format, how tobacco is not just a simple health issue, but involves economics, big business, politics, trade, litigation, deceit and crimes such as smuggling. The atlas also shows the importance of a multifaceted approach to reducing the epidemic by WHO, other UN agencies, NGOs, the private sector and, in fact, the whole of civil society.

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