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Diplomatic Chronicles of the Middle East

von Paul J. Hare

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Ambassador Hare served with the American Foreign Service from 1926 to 1966. During his international career, Ambassador Hare witnessed the myriad changes that occurred in world politics since World War II. He observed the turbulent events surrounding the achievement of independence in India and Pakistan, the outbreak of hostilities between Arabs and Jews in Palestine, and the reluctant assumption by the United States of a major role in the Middle East. His involvement in the Arabian Peninsula included negotiating an important air base agreement in Saudi Arabia. During the 1956 Suez War and the Lebanon crisis of 1958, he dealt with the most controversial Arab leader of the time, Gamal Abdel Nasser. At the end of this career, Hare returned to Turkey, where he wrestled with the question of Jupiter missiles in Turkey during the Cuban missile crisis of 1962 and the Cyprus crisis of 1964. Anecdotes, stories, and historical fact combine to form an interesting narrative style throughout the book, providing the reader with a description of the development of American diplomatic involvement in the Middle East. Many photographs illustrate varied aspects of the ambassador's life. Co-published with the Middle East Institute.… (mehr)
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Ambassador Hare served with the American Foreign Service from 1926 to 1966. During his international career, Ambassador Hare witnessed the myriad changes that occurred in world politics since World War II. He observed the turbulent events surrounding the achievement of independence in India and Pakistan, the outbreak of hostilities between Arabs and Jews in Palestine, and the reluctant assumption by the United States of a major role in the Middle East. His involvement in the Arabian Peninsula included negotiating an important air base agreement in Saudi Arabia. During the 1956 Suez War and the Lebanon crisis of 1958, he dealt with the most controversial Arab leader of the time, Gamal Abdel Nasser. At the end of this career, Hare returned to Turkey, where he wrestled with the question of Jupiter missiles in Turkey during the Cuban missile crisis of 1962 and the Cyprus crisis of 1964. Anecdotes, stories, and historical fact combine to form an interesting narrative style throughout the book, providing the reader with a description of the development of American diplomatic involvement in the Middle East. Many photographs illustrate varied aspects of the ambassador's life. Co-published with the Middle East Institute.

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