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Misspelled (2008)

von Julie E. Czerneda (Herausgeber)

Weitere Autoren: Nathan Azinger (Mitwirkender), Morgan S. Brilliant (Mitwirkender), Kristen Britain (Mitwirkender), Kell Brown (Mitwirkender), Janet Elizabeth Chase (Mitwirkender)12 mehr, Doranna Durgin (Mitwirkender), Jim C. Hines (Mitwirkender), Lesley D. Livingston (Mitwirkender), Marc Mackay (Mitwirkender), Kevin G. Maclean (Mitwirkender), S. W. Mayse (Mitwirkender), Shannan Palma (Mitwirkender), Kate Paulk (Mitwirkender), Kent Pollard (Mitwirkender), Kristine Smith (Mitwirkender), Rob St. Martin (Mitwirkender), John Zakour (Mitwirkender)

MitgliederRezensionenBeliebtheitDurchschnittliche BewertungDiskussionen
1106255,815 (3.08)3
strange 17 Fascinating tales of spells gone awry When it comes to magic, skipping the directions, changing the ingredients, or garbling the words of a spell can lead to unusual consequences-sometimes dire, sometimes comical. Included in these stories are just a few of the possible results: a cybermancer has her spell disk corrupted by some unexpected input; two students brewing up spells outside the curriculum forgo a critical ingredient; a young woman orders a fairy-tale life, but forgets to read the fine print. Now they're really spellbound...… (mehr)
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Misspelled is an anthology with stories all about spells that go wrong somehow. The stories are all humorous in tone, but, as usual, not all of them work equally well. Each story in this collection is introduced by a narrator who also comments on it at the end – a bit like an MC. I found that a little irritating, but not so much that it actually bothered me. Overall, the collection didn’t blow me away, though I liked more stories than I didn’t like.

Read more about each of the stories on my blog: ( )
  kalafudra | Feb 22, 2021 |
Unlike most anthologies, these are all lesser-known or previously unpublished writers. Some of the stories show a high level of talent. An enjoyable change from many rehashed best-selling author anthologies. ( )
  Lethe20 | Dec 8, 2010 |
Few of the stories were bad - well, none, really - a few were dull. None were spectacularly good, either, though several made me want to read more in that universe - unfortunately, as far as I could tell all of those were standalones (though several were by people who haven't written much yet, so I can hope). However, too many of the stories - individually good - had basically the same tone of slightly forced humor, and reading them one after another got very boring. Given the theme, I suppose a certain number of bumbling-apprentice and magic-by-accident (''I don't believe in magic, but what could it hurt to try this?'') stories were inevitable, but not fun to read all at once (part of why it took me so long to read it). I liked the accordian bard, the investigators in magical London (though it wasn't called that), the demon cleaners (both stories, though the first one needed either more or less, it sort of stopped in the middle). The QA mage was good, and one I wanted to read more about (along with the London one). I'd read the Durgin before - good, and a change of pace in the anthology. And the first story had a really good premise, though I didn't like any of the characters in it very much - the student was too bugged by circumstances to show herself well, the demon would have been more interesting if less conventionally nasty, and the teachers are - unacceptable. It's customary for them to set up a deathmatch without telling those involved? And who did they kill to become teachers? Too nasty a setting for me. Many interesting bits in this anthology, but only moderately interesting overall. ( )
  jjmcgaffey | Jul 15, 2009 |
A few good stories, many bad. I've read better anthologies. Don't read the narrator who intros and exits every story. It is rather annoying and often times misses the point.

Trippingly Off the Tongue - Lesley D. Livingston. In which a final exam requires the death of a lab partner, even if he's a demon. A bit sick. 2 stars

8 rms, full bsmt - Kristine Smith. I liked this one. Demon pest exterminator gets called to deal with difficult case. Learns a bit about demons. 3 stars.

Eye of the Beholder - Kevin G. MacClean. Don't wish for things ever. Cute ending.. 3 stars.

Cybermancer - Janet Elizabeth Chase. Dumb. Sister uses computer, gets sucked into cyber world. 2.5 stars.

Eye of Newt - Marc Mackay. Another pointless story. 2 stars.

Chafing the Bogey Man - Kristen Britain. In which a spell to play better golf goes haywire because the fine print wasn't read. 2.5 stars.

A Perfect Circle - Kent Pollard. One of the better stories in the book. What if an Evil Sorcerer learns that he's actually a character in a game. I'm not sure about the ending. 3 stars.

Reading, Writing, Plagues - Kell Brown. An annoying apprentice tries to make it rain. 2.5 stars.

Totally Devoted to You - John Zakour. I liked it. But seriously, the spell only went wrong because of a time zone? Silly. 3 stars.

The Mysterious Case of Spell Zero - Rob St. Martin. This story has potential, but the wrtining is not strong enough to pull it off. 3 stars.

Crosscut - S.W. Mayes - in which an author gets back about her story stealing landlord. 3.5 stars.

Bitch Bewitched - Doranna Durgin. I liked this one. I'd actually read a full length novel set in this universe. And, the puppies are cute. 4 stars.

The Witch of Westmoreland Avenue - Morgan S. Brilliant. Not bad. Saw through the plot after the first page or two. 3 stars.

A Spell of Quality - Kate Paulk. I'm a bit ambivalent about this one. Not bad, but didn't hold me. 3 stars.

Demon in the Cupboard - Nathan Azinger. I liked it. Husband accidentally calls up demon when making spaghetti sauce. 3 stars.

Untrained Melody - JIm C. Hines. Writing was okay, but the characters were grating. 3 stars.

Yours for only $19.99 - Shannon Palma. Dumb story. What if you live more than one fairytale? Its cute, but dumb, all at the same time. 2.5 stars. ( )
  TheDivineOomba | Jul 12, 2009 |
Mostly forgettable anthology of seventeen VERY short, mostly amusing stories about spells that go awry. Contributors include: Lesley D Livingston, Kristine Smith, Kevin G. Maclean, Janet Elizabeth Chase, Marc Mackay, Kristen Britain, Kent Pollard, Kell Brown, John Zakour, Rob St. Martin, S.W. Mayse, Doranna Durgin, Morgan S. Brilliant, Kate Paulk, Nathan Azinger, Jim C. Hines, & Shannan Palma. Foreward by Julie E. Czerneda. ( )
  jjmachshev | Jan 10, 2009 |
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» Andere Autoren hinzufügen

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Czerneda, Julie E.HerausgeberHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Azinger, NathanMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Brilliant, Morgan S.MitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Britain, KristenMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Brown, KellMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Chase, Janet ElizabethMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Durgin, DorannaMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Hines, Jim C.MitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Livingston, Lesley D.MitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Mackay, MarcMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Maclean, Kevin G.MitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Mayse, S. W.MitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Palma, ShannanMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Paulk, KateMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Pollard, KentMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Smith, KristineMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
St. Martin, RobMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Zakour, JohnMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt

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Wikipedia auf Englisch (1)

strange 17 Fascinating tales of spells gone awry When it comes to magic, skipping the directions, changing the ingredients, or garbling the words of a spell can lead to unusual consequences-sometimes dire, sometimes comical. Included in these stories are just a few of the possible results: a cybermancer has her spell disk corrupted by some unexpected input; two students brewing up spells outside the curriculum forgo a critical ingredient; a young woman orders a fairy-tale life, but forgets to read the fine print. Now they're really spellbound...

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