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The Schwa was Here von Neal Shusterman
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The Schwa was Here (2004)

von Neal Shusterman

Reihen: Antsy Bonano Novels (book 1)

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1,2585116,045 (4.01)23
A Brooklyn eighth-grader nicknamed Antsy befriends the Schwa, an "invisible-ish" boy who is tired of blending into his surroundings and going unnoticed by nearly everyone.
Titel:The Schwa was Here
Autoren:Neal Shusterman
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek
Tags:Chapter Book, Boy, Invisible, Tresspassing, Dare, Lonliness


The Schwa was Here von Neal Shusterman (2004)

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This was a family audio book and it made the time pass well. Read by the author, Neal Shusterman and told by the main character, Ant'ny (Antsy) Bonano, the Brooklyn side of NY really shines through. He and his buddies Ira and Howie are typical teens, playing video games, wreaking experimental destruction and taking dares. A 4th boy shows up to join their hijinx one day: Calvin Schwa. He is a legend in his school -- because no one knows the real kid. He is all but invisible -- just one of those kids that blends into the background without making an impact. The book becomes a quest to test the Schwa effect and to make Calvin a solid presence. He has to come to terms with some aspects of his past (his mother ran off when he was young and his father is pretty incompetent as a result). One of the dares/tests put Antsy and Calvin in contact with Mr. Crowley, the neighborhood grouch and recluse with 14 dogs. When they get caught, Crowley does not turn them in to the police but makes them work off service hours with him -- walking the dogs and also entertaining his blind granddaughter who happens to be their age and beautiful. Lexie becomes part of the group and the escapades take on a whole new dimension. Ansty's family also plays a minor part as he considers his own invisibility where they are concerned. Alternately funny and touching, the book looks at the need for teens to make a mark on the world, to be noticed -- for good things -- and to embrace their family and heritage as part of their identity. ( )
  CarrieWuj | Oct 24, 2020 |
This was a cute book. I think I will use it for a read aloud in my class. ( )
  missygoose | Sep 5, 2020 |
Not as predictable as you'd think. I'm more conscious of the schwa effect now thanks to this story. Quick read. Perfect for upper Elem to 10thgrade readers. ( )
  Reyesk9 | Sep 23, 2019 |
Calvin is a student who seems to practically disappear, he goes unnoticed by others. His friend Antsy decides to become his "agent" and dares him to try new adventures and stay invisible.
  dneirick | May 7, 2019 |
The Schwa Was Here from Neal Shusterman, in my opinion is a great book. Not the perfect book because there is some elements that kind of bother me, But other than that, it is a must-read. This book is for the people who like to have laughs, and like to be interested. It is about this young man, eighth- grader but yet, he feels invisible. And when he feels invisible, he can do anything without anybody noticing, it's an advantage, and that's where it gets its comedic elements. I would totally recommend this book to other people. ( )
  OscarAndres | May 3, 2019 |
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I don't really remember when I first met the Schwa, he was just kind of always there, like the killer potholes on Avenue U or the Afghans barking out the windows above Crawley's restaurant.
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A Brooklyn eighth-grader nicknamed Antsy befriends the Schwa, an "invisible-ish" boy who is tired of blending into his surroundings and going unnoticed by nearly everyone.

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