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Gridlinked (Ian Cormac, Book 1) von Neal…
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Gridlinked (Ian Cormac, Book 1) (2009. Auflage)

von Neal Asher

MitgliederRezensionenBeliebtheitDurchschnittliche BewertungDiskussionen
1,6443611,175 (3.67)64
Widescreen, action-packed science-fiction drama by a notable talent.In outer space you can never feel sure that your adversary is altogether human. The runcible buffers on Samarkand have been mysteriously sabotaged, killing many thousands and destroying a terraforming project. Agent Cormac must reach it by ship to begin an investigation. But Cormac has incurred the wrath of a vicious psychopath called Pelter, who is prepared to follow him across the galaxy with a terrifying android in tow. Despite the sub-zero temperature of Samarkand, Cormac discovers signs of life: they are two 'dracomen', alien beasts contrived by an extra-galactic entity calling itself 'Dragon', which is a huge creature consisting of four conjoined spheres of flesh each a kilometre in diameter. Caught between the byzantine wiles of the Dragon and the lethal fury of Pelter, Cormac needs to skip very nimbly indeed to rescue the Samarkand project and protect his own life.Gridlinked is the first sci-fi thriller in Neal Asher's compelling Agent Cormac series.… (mehr)
Titel:Gridlinked (Ian Cormac, Book 1)
Autoren:Neal Asher
Info:Pan Macmillan (2009), Paperback, 528 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Der Drache von Samarkand: SF-Thriller von Neal Asher

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This is a fairly zippy page-turner, with some cool technologies, lots of weaponised action, lethal androids and aliens, and a slightly vaguely outlined social/political system run by artificial intelligence. It falls down a bit on the rather shallow characterisations, a somewhat unsympathetic lead character, and an anticlimatic and unclear ending (perhaps followed up in later books in the series?). In places it could also do with more clarity in explaining some basic background on the technology and society a little more too (for example I would have liked more on the shuriken, and on the history and basic idea of the Polity, and maybe more on the Sparkind too). However, I enjoyed it as it rattled along and it's very easy to read quickly. ( )
  breathslow | Jan 27, 2024 |
Pretty average Sci-fi and the dialogue was a bit clunky, but I still enjoyed the hell out of it. ( )
  Vitaly1 | May 28, 2023 |
Good start / second book in the ian cormac series (a prequel about his early life was written later / read first). ( )
  jercox | Jun 2, 2021 |
Enjoyed this . Can't wait to start the next one ( )
  sonofabe | Sep 22, 2020 |
While I enjoyed the multiple point of view narrative, I wasn't quite sure about the transformation of Cormac into someone seemingly omniscient. The narrative seemed to hint at other worldly powers for him and Blegg. I liked Stanton and the rest of the characters much better. ( )
  billycongo | Jul 22, 2020 |
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AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Neal AsherHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Rawlings, SteveUmschlagillustrationCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Stone, SteveUmschlagillustrationCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Sullivan, JonUmschlagillustrationCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
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To my family for keeping my feet on the ground while allowing my head to stay in the clouds. What a stretch.
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Widescreen, action-packed science-fiction drama by a notable talent.In outer space you can never feel sure that your adversary is altogether human. The runcible buffers on Samarkand have been mysteriously sabotaged, killing many thousands and destroying a terraforming project. Agent Cormac must reach it by ship to begin an investigation. But Cormac has incurred the wrath of a vicious psychopath called Pelter, who is prepared to follow him across the galaxy with a terrifying android in tow. Despite the sub-zero temperature of Samarkand, Cormac discovers signs of life: they are two 'dracomen', alien beasts contrived by an extra-galactic entity calling itself 'Dragon', which is a huge creature consisting of four conjoined spheres of flesh each a kilometre in diameter. Caught between the byzantine wiles of the Dragon and the lethal fury of Pelter, Cormac needs to skip very nimbly indeed to rescue the Samarkand project and protect his own life.Gridlinked is the first sci-fi thriller in Neal Asher's compelling Agent Cormac series.

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Durchschnitt: (3.67)
1 12
1.5 4
2 33
2.5 10
3 111
3.5 25
4 164
4.5 10
5 94


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