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Mold Making, Casting and Patina

von Bruner F. Barrie

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This is a unique publication designed for the amateur sculptor. The comprehensive areas covered include plaster waste molds, for single casts; latex rubber molds, for multiple casting; polyurethane molds for wax casting in bronze; & moulage molds, for casts of life subjects. The text also includes extensive guidance in the repair of casts, as well as mounting for display, & the art of patina, or coloring. The format is designed to make the text easy to read with step by step instruction on all phases of the mold making, casting, & patina process. There are more than 75 line drawings & over 200 black & white photographs showing clearly everything needed to make exacting casts of the original piece of sculpture. The text & illustrations have been designed as a guide to show & describe exactly what the user will be seeing & experiencing as it occurs in front of them. The author, Mr. Barrie, is a member of The National Sculpture Society, in New York City & The International Sculpture Center in Washington, D.C. Mr. Barrie has worked in stone, clay, wood, wax, plaster & plastilina. He has more than twenty years of experience with mold making & casting. To order: FAX 609-466-2450, PHONE 609-466-2986.… (mehr)
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This is a unique publication designed for the amateur sculptor. The comprehensive areas covered include plaster waste molds, for single casts; latex rubber molds, for multiple casting; polyurethane molds for wax casting in bronze; & moulage molds, for casts of life subjects. The text also includes extensive guidance in the repair of casts, as well as mounting for display, & the art of patina, or coloring. The format is designed to make the text easy to read with step by step instruction on all phases of the mold making, casting, & patina process. There are more than 75 line drawings & over 200 black & white photographs showing clearly everything needed to make exacting casts of the original piece of sculpture. The text & illustrations have been designed as a guide to show & describe exactly what the user will be seeing & experiencing as it occurs in front of them. The author, Mr. Barrie, is a member of The National Sculpture Society, in New York City & The International Sculpture Center in Washington, D.C. Mr. Barrie has worked in stone, clay, wood, wax, plaster & plastilina. He has more than twenty years of experience with mold making & casting. To order: FAX 609-466-2450, PHONE 609-466-2986.

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