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I, Elizabeth: A Novel von Rosalind Miles
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I, Elizabeth: A Novel (Original 1994; 2003. Auflage)

von Rosalind Miles

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1,3282614,919 (3.68)21
A spellbinding novel about Elizabeth I from the internationally bestselling author of the Guenevere and Tristan and Isolde trilogies. Publicly declared a bastard at the age of three, daughter of a disgraced and executed mother, last in the line of succession to the throne of England, Elizabeth I inherited an England ravaged by bloody religious conflict, at war with Spain and France, and badly in debt. When she died in 1603, after a forty-five year reign, her empire spanned two continents and was united under one church, victorious in war, and blessed with an overflowing treasury. What's more, her favorites--William Shakespeare, Sir Francis Drake, and Sir Walter Raleigh--had made the Elizabethan era a cultural Golden Age still remembered today. But for Elizabeth the woman, tragedy went hand in hand with triumph. Politics and scandal forced the passionate queen to reject her true love, Robert Dudley, and to execute his stepson, her much-adored Lord Essex. Now in this spellbinding novel, Rosalind Miles brings to life the woman behind the myth. By turns imperious, brilliant, calculating, vain, and witty, this is the Elizabeth the world never knew. From the days of her brutal father, Henry VIII, to her final dying moments, Elizabeth tells her story in her own words.… (mehr)
Titel:I, Elizabeth: A Novel
Autoren:Rosalind Miles
Info:Three Rivers Press (2003), Paperback, 656 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek, Lese gerade


Königin von England von Rosalind Miles (1994)

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a very contrived and unlikely life of Elizabeth
  ritaer | Jul 11, 2021 |
Elizabeth I's story told in the 1st person. Love the time period. ( )
  Cleoxcat | May 28, 2015 |
This book is dire.
It suffers from the 'hey-nonny-no' school of historical novel which tries desperately to reproduce the spoken language of Tudor times. In this it is no worse than any other badly written historical novel.

However, it is full of anachronisms. The one that made me laugh out loud was the name of King Henry VIII's physician...Dr Wendy. The name Wendy was invented by J M Barrie when he created his novels and plays about Peter Pan. The name comes from 'frwendy' which is baby talk. It did not exist either as a first name or surname until Barrie invented it in the early years of the 20th century. So to name a character Wendy in a novel set in Tudor times is absolutely ludicrous. Any editor worth his or her salt should have been aware of this. Another howler is the use of the word 'dieting' - Tudor people would not have understood the term, it is again a 20thC concept.
It is anachronisms like these that give historical fiction a bad name. I have put this book in the recycling bin; I was going to take it to the charity shop but on second thoughts it's far too bad to inflict on other readers. ( )
  mlfhlibrarian | Oct 19, 2014 |
Elizabeth I, the last of the Tudor line, a bastard born of the "Great Whore" Anne Boleyn, was known as the Virgin Queen. She never married, but ruled on her own for 40 years. This novel delves into her reign from the day of her accession, with all of the politics, rumors, plots, and passion in her life. She had to rebuff suitors so as not to create war, had to protect her throne from would be heirs such as Mary Queen of Scots, and had to rule firmly but fairly so she could avoid uprising and rebellion in her own country. And she did all that without a king by her side. I love this time period and the Tudor Court; such an intriguing time. This book gave me a look at Elizabeth and much of what went on during her reign; all I knew before was that she was the Virgin Queen. Now I have more understanding of her as not only a queen, but a woman trying to make her way without a man to rule her life. One of the early feminists, I would say, though obviously that was not a goal of hers. She saw what happened to other women around her who married, and she did not want to suffer the same fate. And she managed to bring her country to prosperity. Proof that women can rule, if you ask me. ( )
  litgirl29 | Jul 19, 2014 |
I didn't like it at all and couldn't finish it. Made to page 225 ( )
  Elysianfield | Mar 30, 2013 |
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The Palace of Whitehall February 24, 1601, Midnight: He will make a good death, they say.
Some are born bastards, some achieve bastardy, others have bastardy thrust upon them, as the fellow said in the play last Shrovetide --- or would have done if he had made his bow on this great stage of fools as I made mine.
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I have no fear of spirits; they are no more than ourselves as we shall be.
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A spellbinding novel about Elizabeth I from the internationally bestselling author of the Guenevere and Tristan and Isolde trilogies. Publicly declared a bastard at the age of three, daughter of a disgraced and executed mother, last in the line of succession to the throne of England, Elizabeth I inherited an England ravaged by bloody religious conflict, at war with Spain and France, and badly in debt. When she died in 1603, after a forty-five year reign, her empire spanned two continents and was united under one church, victorious in war, and blessed with an overflowing treasury. What's more, her favorites--William Shakespeare, Sir Francis Drake, and Sir Walter Raleigh--had made the Elizabethan era a cultural Golden Age still remembered today. But for Elizabeth the woman, tragedy went hand in hand with triumph. Politics and scandal forced the passionate queen to reject her true love, Robert Dudley, and to execute his stepson, her much-adored Lord Essex. Now in this spellbinding novel, Rosalind Miles brings to life the woman behind the myth. By turns imperious, brilliant, calculating, vain, and witty, this is the Elizabeth the world never knew. From the days of her brutal father, Henry VIII, to her final dying moments, Elizabeth tells her story in her own words.

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