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The New Boss: How to Survive the First 100…
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The New Boss: How to Survive the First 100 Days (2008. Auflage)

von Peter Fischer

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For all managers making a leadership transition, it is critical to engage with the new role rapidly to permit a seamless changeover and to ensure that staff remain engaged and focused. This handy guide provides you with the structure and guidance you need to minimise disruption and maximise performance during the crucial first 100 days. Written by Peter Fischer, an industrial psychologist and psychotherapist, the book provides you with tried and tested models and self-assessment techniques which allow you to manage expectations, build key relationships and drive through change during your first three months in charge. The first part of the book deals with the common problems faced by new managers in the early days of a new post, shows the right questions to ask and also provides really helpful advice on issues such as how to deal with a disappointed contender. The second part of the book looks at the problems faced by new appointees in different scenarios, including: internal promotion; external hire; big predecessor and little successor, the young high-potential manager and the overseas assignment. If you are a new manager, no matter the circumstances of your appointment, this book identifies all the problems you are likely to face, shows you how to deal with them, and allows you to hit the ground running in your new role.… (mehr)
Titel:The New Boss: How to Survive the First 100 Days
Autoren:Peter Fischer
Info:Kogan Page (2008), Edition: illustrated edition, Paperback, 175 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


The New Boss: How to Survive the First 100 Days von Peter Fischer

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This book didn't really meet my expectations. It is clear and structured but it never gets to a deep analysis of the topics. ( )
  d.v. | May 16, 2023 |
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For all managers making a leadership transition, it is critical to engage with the new role rapidly to permit a seamless changeover and to ensure that staff remain engaged and focused. This handy guide provides you with the structure and guidance you need to minimise disruption and maximise performance during the crucial first 100 days. Written by Peter Fischer, an industrial psychologist and psychotherapist, the book provides you with tried and tested models and self-assessment techniques which allow you to manage expectations, build key relationships and drive through change during your first three months in charge. The first part of the book deals with the common problems faced by new managers in the early days of a new post, shows the right questions to ask and also provides really helpful advice on issues such as how to deal with a disappointed contender. The second part of the book looks at the problems faced by new appointees in different scenarios, including: internal promotion; external hire; big predecessor and little successor, the young high-potential manager and the overseas assignment. If you are a new manager, no matter the circumstances of your appointment, this book identifies all the problems you are likely to face, shows you how to deal with them, and allows you to hit the ground running in your new role.

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