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Hail, Holy Queen: The Mother of God in the…
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Hail, Holy Queen: The Mother of God in the Word of God (Original 2001; 2006. Auflage)

von Scott Hahn

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884225,313 (4.23)4
The New York Times best-selling author of The Lamb's Supper, Scott Hahn is an internationally renowned Catholic lecturer and professor of theology. Hail, Holy Queen is an enlightening exploration of the Bible's teachings on Mary and her integral place in Christian religion. With his easily accessible prose, Hahn demonstrates Mary's role in Catholicism as the mother of heaven and earth. He explains the relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament, successfully unveiling the Marian mystery at the heart of the book of Revelation. All of the essential Marian doctrines are examined and explained, including Mary's Immaculate Conception, Perpetual Virginity, Assumption, and Coronation. Narrator Gus Lloyd reads this work with compassion and understanding. Listeners of all denominations will discover how to decipher the many mysteries of the Bible and gain a profound understanding of the Catholic faith.… (mehr)
Titel:Hail, Holy Queen: The Mother of God in the Word of God
Autoren:Scott Hahn
Info:Image (2006), Paperback, 208 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Hail, Holy Queen: The Mother of God in the Word of God von Scott Hahn (2001)

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Building on these scriptural and historical foundations, Hahn presents a new look at the Marian doctrines: Her Immaculate Conception, Perpetual Virginity, Assumption, and Coronation. As he guides modern-day readers through passages filled with mysteries and poetry, Hahn helps them rediscover the ancient art and science of reading the Scriptures and gain a more profound understanding of their truthfulness and relevance to faith and the practice of religion in the contemporary world.
  StFrancisofAssisi | Mar 12, 2020 |
This book really hits the nail on the head with regards to Marian adoration. Essential to getting a grip on the Catholic understanding of her position in the Church and God's Plan. Really made me think. I particularly found the chapter on biblical typology useful. Everybody should read this book and after they are finished honestly ask themselves where does Mary fit in in their lives. ( )
  Loptsson | Oct 1, 2010 |
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The New York Times best-selling author of The Lamb's Supper, Scott Hahn is an internationally renowned Catholic lecturer and professor of theology. Hail, Holy Queen is an enlightening exploration of the Bible's teachings on Mary and her integral place in Christian religion. With his easily accessible prose, Hahn demonstrates Mary's role in Catholicism as the mother of heaven and earth. He explains the relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament, successfully unveiling the Marian mystery at the heart of the book of Revelation. All of the essential Marian doctrines are examined and explained, including Mary's Immaculate Conception, Perpetual Virginity, Assumption, and Coronation. Narrator Gus Lloyd reads this work with compassion and understanding. Listeners of all denominations will discover how to decipher the many mysteries of the Bible and gain a profound understanding of the Catholic faith.

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