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Love and Death in the Valley

von Kevin Annett

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Love and Death in the Valley is a contemporary David and Goliath tale that will inspire and challenge the reader. It is the personal story of Reverend Kevin Annett, the minister who single- handedly exposed the murder and genocide of aboriginal people by the government of Canada and his employer, the United Church of Canada. This book is his own gripping and passionate account of his heroic efforts against insurmountable odds to document hidden crimes among west coast native people after he began a ministry among them in Port Alberni, British Columbia in 1992. Love and Death in the Valley is a book that is "large in heart and integrity" (Ruth Parnell, Nexus magazine, Vol. 9 No. 3:77). It describes how Kevin was fired and then expelled from his church after asking "too many questions" about the deaths of native children in his church's "residential schools". But the narrative shows how Kevin persevered in the face of a blacklisting and smear campaign against him by both church and state, and brought to light the crimes of genocide that both institutions want to remain "hidden from history". This book is a tale of one man's victory over lies and corruption. Its clear message is that one person can indeed make a difference.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vondg2books, vnfc, FUCV, Reconciled1, sigridsmith
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Love and Death in the Valley is a contemporary David and Goliath tale that will inspire and challenge the reader. It is the personal story of Reverend Kevin Annett, the minister who single- handedly exposed the murder and genocide of aboriginal people by the government of Canada and his employer, the United Church of Canada. This book is his own gripping and passionate account of his heroic efforts against insurmountable odds to document hidden crimes among west coast native people after he began a ministry among them in Port Alberni, British Columbia in 1992. Love and Death in the Valley is a book that is "large in heart and integrity" (Ruth Parnell, Nexus magazine, Vol. 9 No. 3:77). It describes how Kevin was fired and then expelled from his church after asking "too many questions" about the deaths of native children in his church's "residential schools". But the narrative shows how Kevin persevered in the face of a blacklisting and smear campaign against him by both church and state, and brought to light the crimes of genocide that both institutions want to remain "hidden from history". This book is a tale of one man's victory over lies and corruption. Its clear message is that one person can indeed make a difference.

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