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Bat Loves the Night: Read and Wonder von…
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Bat Loves the Night: Read and Wonder (Original 2001; 2004. Auflage)

von Nicola Davies

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8511626,617 (4.09)Keine
Bat wakes up, flies into the night, uses the echoes of her voice to navigate, hunts for her supper, and returns to her roost to feed her baby.
Titel:Bat Loves the Night: Read and Wonder
Autoren:Nicola Davies
Info:Candlewick (2004), Paperback
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Bat Loves the Night von Nicola Davies (2001)

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This is an excellent selection for third grade students. The book, written as narrative non-fiction, has easy to read text and lovely illustrations with informative captions. ( )
  Chrissylou62 | Apr 11, 2024 |
This book is about a bat and what their day looks like. They are nocturnal so they fly around at night. It talked about how a bats body works and what they eat. It talked about where they fly and where they sleep. At the end it talked about what baby batlings do in order to stay alive and safe. I like this book because it is all about a bats life but it is written in an interesting way and does not sound like an informational text. I would use this book to teach about adaptations animals have in order to stay alive. The bat would be the first example then I would have students think of other animals and the adaptations they have. ( )
  jasminenesbitt1 | Nov 7, 2019 |
I liked this Informational Book about bats for many different reasons. I liked how this book was formatted because the author used a story about a bat to tell information about bats. The author also included facts about bats throughout the pages. For example, the author wrote, “Bat is waking, upside as usual, hanging by her toenails.” Then, the author proceeded to write, “A bat’s wings is its arm and hand. Four extra-long fingers support the skin of the wing.” I liked this because this book was not just fact after fact about bats. However, the author included a story as well to make it more interesting and fun to read. The illustrations of this book are very well drawn. The illustrator drew a bat going through life with a lot of detail and color. This helps readers easily understand the life and the characteristics of a bat. The message or big idea of this Informational Book was to provide information and facts about bats. This was very good and entertaining book to read.
  katiebanaszak | Oct 28, 2015 |
This books talks about the life of bats. It talks about how they sleep upside down hanging by their toenails in quiet and dark places with lots of other bats. At nighttime bats go out to fly around and look for food. They use their voices and echos in order to know where they are going instead of their sight.
  DaniGreen | Aug 12, 2015 |
This book is an picture book that describes bats. It explains their bodies and the function of each part in relation to its form. It explains in simple terms how bats communicate, hunt and reproduce. The illustrations are beautiful and realistic. The author uses descriptive language and some similies to relay the information. The book woud be a godd addition to classroom libraries for grades k-3. One feature I really think would be great to teach kids is the index at the back . The index is simple and would teach the basics of using an index and help kids locate informtion . The illustartions inside the front and back depict various bat species and could be a resource or reference for kids who choose to conduct more research about bats. It is a good read aloud and comes with an audio recording so students could hear if read to them if needed. ( )
  Lisapier | Jun 15, 2015 |
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AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Nicola DaviesHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Fox-Davies, SarahIllustratorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt

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Bat wakes up, flies into the night, uses the echoes of her voice to navigate, hunts for her supper, and returns to her roost to feed her baby.

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