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Michael Recycle von Ellie Bethel
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Michael Recycle (2008. Auflage)

von Ellie Bethel, Alexandra Colombo

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536947,035 (4.05)1
Michael Recycle, the green-caped crusader, visits the town of Abberdoo-Rimey and proves to the residents that recycling can actually be fun.
Titel:Michael Recycle
Autoren:Ellie Bethel
Weitere Autoren:Alexandra Colombo
Info:Worthwhile Books (2008), Hardcover, 28 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Michael Recycle von Ellie Bethel

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I love this book! This book has excellent and vibrant pictures with a lot of colors. This book is really engaging and has a lot of rhyming words. Great for teaching poetry and patterns. I think this book would be good to read on earth day and it also provides way to do your part to help contribute to creatign a cleaner environment. This book is apporpriate for all ages, ( )
  AveryLong | Nov 25, 2018 |
Like I said with the Lorax I would definitely pair these two together. I think that this is also a good book to read because he is a super hero and so that will engage the little boys. There was a little boy in my class this summer who had autism and I can not tell you how many times I read this book to him. It was what kept him quiet during nap time which he did not participate in and it got to the point where he would read (script) it with me. It was so cute. ( )
  s_cat1 | Sep 17, 2018 |
A good book to teach students about recycling. ( )
  jennabear913 | Feb 13, 2013 |
This is a fantastic book for early readers. It has a complex concept but is written in an understandable way. Great for all grades, and is a lead in for extension projects.
  smendel18 | Apr 14, 2010 |
Very good picture book has a lot of bright colors with a good moral in it. I liked how Michael used all recycled stuff for his super hero outfit. It was nice that they made him be a kid. Quick read with a good moral and lots of pictures to talk about ( )
  dreamer2000 | Apr 5, 2010 |
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Michael Recycle, the green-caped crusader, visits the town of Abberdoo-Rimey and proves to the residents that recycling can actually be fun.

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