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Cityscape: Ben Johnson's Liverpool

von Ben Johnson

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This stunning book showcases the work of internationally acclaimed artist Ben Johnson. Cityscape: Ben Johnson's Liverpool has been three years in the making and takes in Liverpool's famous skyline from a vantage point high above the River Mersey. It encompasses several thousand individual buildings and has taken Johnson and up to 11 assistants 24,000 person hours so far. Cityscape: Ben Johnson's Liverpool is both a breathtaking portrait of the city of Liverpool and part of Johnson's magnificent World Panoramas series. The artist works to the scale of a Renaissance painter, producing what The Guardian has called 'almost impossibly ambitious cityscapes' from around the world. This extraordinary book will be a must buy for those interested in contemporary art and architecture and for anyone fascinated by Liverpool, European Capital of Culture for 2008.… (mehr)
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This stunning book showcases the work of internationally acclaimed artist Ben Johnson. Cityscape: Ben Johnson's Liverpool has been three years in the making and takes in Liverpool's famous skyline from a vantage point high above the River Mersey. It encompasses several thousand individual buildings and has taken Johnson and up to 11 assistants 24,000 person hours so far. Cityscape: Ben Johnson's Liverpool is both a breathtaking portrait of the city of Liverpool and part of Johnson's magnificent World Panoramas series. The artist works to the scale of a Renaissance painter, producing what The Guardian has called 'almost impossibly ambitious cityscapes' from around the world. This extraordinary book will be a must buy for those interested in contemporary art and architecture and for anyone fascinated by Liverpool, European Capital of Culture for 2008.

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751.74The arts Painting Materials and Methods

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