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Caveman's Guide to Baby's First Year: Early Fatherhood for the Modern Hunter-Gatherer

von David Port

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Congratulations! You’re a father. Now what? The follow-up to the hysterical bestselling Caveman’s Pregnancy Companion. nbsp; You managed to survive pregnancy without getting hit in the face by a blunt projectile hurled from your wife’s sling. Now the birth of your baby has ushered in a bewildering phase where your crude, uncivilized, and underdeveloped ways will surely be put to the test. Offbeat and humorous but full of useful tips, Caveman’s Guide to Baby’s First Year will lead you from a Fatherhood Aptitude Test to the 10 Commandments for Cro-Magnon Fathers to a Yoga Party (quasi-erotic yoga poses designed to reduce stress and stimulate the body). Along the way you’ll find candid advice on all topics, from the mechanics of breastfeeding to baby proofing the home to instructions for toys even a caveman could make himself.nbsp; So if you’ve been wondering what to do now that best thing that ever happened to you happened, leading to an anxiety-ridden life of no sleep, no sex, and more time picking out formula than ordering beer, fear no more! There have been quite a few advances since you first stepped out of your cave (vaccinations, infant massage, and baby sign language to name a few) and it’s all here, accompanied by charts, diagrams and other illustrations straightforward enough for you to get your Paleolithic head around.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;… (mehr)
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Congratulations! You’re a father. Now what? The follow-up to the hysterical bestselling Caveman’s Pregnancy Companion. nbsp; You managed to survive pregnancy without getting hit in the face by a blunt projectile hurled from your wife’s sling. Now the birth of your baby has ushered in a bewildering phase where your crude, uncivilized, and underdeveloped ways will surely be put to the test. Offbeat and humorous but full of useful tips, Caveman’s Guide to Baby’s First Year will lead you from a Fatherhood Aptitude Test to the 10 Commandments for Cro-Magnon Fathers to a Yoga Party (quasi-erotic yoga poses designed to reduce stress and stimulate the body). Along the way you’ll find candid advice on all topics, from the mechanics of breastfeeding to baby proofing the home to instructions for toys even a caveman could make himself.nbsp; So if you’ve been wondering what to do now that best thing that ever happened to you happened, leading to an anxiety-ridden life of no sleep, no sex, and more time picking out formula than ordering beer, fear no more! There have been quite a few advances since you first stepped out of your cave (vaccinations, infant massage, and baby sign language to name a few) and it’s all here, accompanied by charts, diagrams and other illustrations straightforward enough for you to get your Paleolithic head around.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;

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