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Taking Flight: Inspiration And Techniques To…
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Taking Flight: Inspiration And Techniques To Give Your Creative Spirit Wings (2008. Auflage)

von Kelly Rae Roberts

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1804156,823 (4.11)2
Stretch Your Wings, Learn to Soar, Take Flight In Taking Flight, you'll find overflowing inspiration--complete with a kindred spirit in author and mixed-media artist Kelly Rae Roberts. Join her on a fearless journey into the heart of creativity as you test your wings and learn to find the sacred in the ordinary, honor your memories, speak your truth and wrap yourself in the arms of community. Along the way you'll be inspired by: Step-by-step techniques--learn the most-loved mixed-media methods of the author and seven talented contributing artists, and combine them in fresh and unexpected ways. Thought-provoking prompts and quotes--along with encouraging stories, insights and gentle guidance for finding your bliss, whatever your art or craft. Plenty of eye-candy--pages and pages of the author's endearing artwork, along with the varied works of the contributors. Of course, learning to fly isn't entirely a step-by-step process--sooner or later, you just need to take a deep breath and spread your wings. With Taking Flight as your guide, there's no doubt that when you do, your creativity will soar.… (mehr)
Titel:Taking Flight: Inspiration And Techniques To Give Your Creative Spirit Wings
Autoren:Kelly Rae Roberts
Info:North Light Books (2008), Paperback, 128 pages
Sammlungen:Read, Deine Bibliothek, Lese gerade, Noch zu lesen, Gelesen, aber nicht im Besitz
Tags:to-read, owned, art, collage, journaling


Taking Flight: Inspiration And Techniques To Give Your Creative Spirit Wings von Kelly Rae Roberts

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  CathyLockhart | Sep 30, 2022 |
When I first started reading this book, I immediately noticed the tone: kind, positive, inspirational and soft. Not disgustingly so, but in a way that made me really feel inspired.

My overall feeling of this book was it was a book that would be useful for a lot of different types of art and craft. This book is about having confidence, being inspired, get rid of roadblocks and trying new things.

The format of the book incorporates the patterns/projects into the chapters, so they don't seem slapped on because everyone must have projects. I didn't try any of the projects as I cannot craft late at night in bed and I didn't have most of the supplies needed. Still, I though the projects were interesting and would make good exercises for a class.

[a:Kelly Rae Roberts|1390538|Kelly Rae Roberts|] has also peppered the book with interviews with other artists. This also bring some liveliness and interest to the book.

Ms Roberts was interviewed on the Notes from the Voodoo Lounge podcast, 17 November 2009. The podcast is a great companion to this book as it gives just a bit more insight into KRR.

The only thing I didn't like about this book is size of the font. There is a lot of information crammed into this 128 page book, but you might go blind trying to read it.

I think this is a book that I would like to put on my wish list as I think it would be good to dip into on occasion. ( )
  jlapac | Aug 14, 2013 |
As a mixed media artist and avid art journalist I love a book that is a feast for the eyes and the soul. This is such a book. Loaded with inspirational ideas, an abundance of images and heartfelt writing this is a must have for any collection. ( )
  CozyLover | Feb 26, 2010 |
This book is a real gem! Not only is each and every page beautiful and stimulating to look at but it is crock full of fabulous techniques that seem complicated when done but are actually really simple to do. It part mixed media art instruction, part creative soul nurturing, part confidence booster a it is filled with Kelly Rae's own artistic trials and her advice for other who also are on this creative path or want to be. She's also managed to get some really inspiring contributing artists and interviewed them on their process and insights on living the creative life. I would give this book 10 stars if I could! ( )
  Ms.Bonafyde | Oct 19, 2008 |
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Stretch Your Wings, Learn to Soar, Take Flight In Taking Flight, you'll find overflowing inspiration--complete with a kindred spirit in author and mixed-media artist Kelly Rae Roberts. Join her on a fearless journey into the heart of creativity as you test your wings and learn to find the sacred in the ordinary, honor your memories, speak your truth and wrap yourself in the arms of community. Along the way you'll be inspired by: Step-by-step techniques--learn the most-loved mixed-media methods of the author and seven talented contributing artists, and combine them in fresh and unexpected ways. Thought-provoking prompts and quotes--along with encouraging stories, insights and gentle guidance for finding your bliss, whatever your art or craft. Plenty of eye-candy--pages and pages of the author's endearing artwork, along with the varied works of the contributors. Of course, learning to fly isn't entirely a step-by-step process--sooner or later, you just need to take a deep breath and spread your wings. With Taking Flight as your guide, there's no doubt that when you do, your creativity will soar.

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