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The Armenian Kingdom and the Mamluks: War and Diplomacy During the Reigns of Het'Um II (1289-1307) (Medieval Mediterrane

von Angus Donal Stewart

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This volume gives an in-depth account of the relations between the Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt and Syria and the Armenian Kingdom, centred on Cilicia in southern Asia Minor, in the period after the collapse of the Crusader States. As well as diplomatic encounters, the work describes in detail, for example, the course of the Mamluk invasions of Cilicia, and the Armenian involvement with the Mongol invasions of Mamluk Syria.The work is substantially based on sources written in Arabic in the Mamluk Sultanate. Using them in conjuction with more pro-Armenian sources, it demonstrates the value of these Arabic histories, which provide many new insights and details. Both in its subject, and in its use of sources, this work demonstrates an important new direction for scholars of the Middle East.… (mehr)
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This volume gives an in-depth account of the relations between the Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt and Syria and the Armenian Kingdom, centred on Cilicia in southern Asia Minor, in the period after the collapse of the Crusader States. As well as diplomatic encounters, the work describes in detail, for example, the course of the Mamluk invasions of Cilicia, and the Armenian involvement with the Mongol invasions of Mamluk Syria.The work is substantially based on sources written in Arabic in the Mamluk Sultanate. Using them in conjuction with more pro-Armenian sources, it demonstrates the value of these Arabic histories, which provide many new insights and details. Both in its subject, and in its use of sources, this work demonstrates an important new direction for scholars of the Middle East.

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