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INSDE ISO 14000: The Competitive Advantage of Environmental Management (St Lucie)

von Donald Alford Sayre

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The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has a master scheme in mind for the protection and preservation of the environment, for sustainable development of life and improving the ecosystem. They call it ISO 14000, the standard and guidelines for effective environmental management systems. Inside ISO 14000 does what its title suggests-tells you everything you need to know to comply with the ISO 14000 series and create and implement a successful environmental management system for competitive advantage. Every chapter in this guide gives you inside information on what the ISO 14000 series will require of organizations to become ISO 14000 certified. The author adds key information from related standards (other ISO 14000 standards, ISO 9000 and ANSI/ASQC E4), plus useful information from his 25+ years of experience in environmental and quality management. Five of the ISO 14000 standards were finalized and issued in 1996. Companies with an eye for competitive advantage will prosper from this book. Inside ISO 14000 will enable you to understand the language of the standard, meet specific requirements and implement them with ease, and optimize available resources.… (mehr)
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The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has a master scheme in mind for the protection and preservation of the environment, for sustainable development of life and improving the ecosystem. They call it ISO 14000, the standard and guidelines for effective environmental management systems. Inside ISO 14000 does what its title suggests-tells you everything you need to know to comply with the ISO 14000 series and create and implement a successful environmental management system for competitive advantage. Every chapter in this guide gives you inside information on what the ISO 14000 series will require of organizations to become ISO 14000 certified. The author adds key information from related standards (other ISO 14000 standards, ISO 9000 and ANSI/ASQC E4), plus useful information from his 25+ years of experience in environmental and quality management. Five of the ISO 14000 standards were finalized and issued in 1996. Companies with an eye for competitive advantage will prosper from this book. Inside ISO 14000 will enable you to understand the language of the standard, meet specific requirements and implement them with ease, and optimize available resources.

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