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Cute Knits for Baby Feet: 30 Adorable…
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Cute Knits for Baby Feet: 30 Adorable Projects for Newborns to 4-year-olds (2008. Auflage)

von Sue Whiting

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582463,399 (3.75)Keine
Es macht Spaß, Socken für Babys und Kleinkinder zu stricken, und schnell geht es obendrein. In diesem Buch finden Sie jede Menge Mini-Modelle, die selbst Strickanfängern schnell von der Nadel gehen. Jedes Projekt wird Schritt für Schritt bis zur Ausarbeitung der liebevollen Details erklärt.
Titel:Cute Knits for Baby Feet: 30 Adorable Projects for Newborns to 4-year-olds
Autoren:Sue Whiting
Info:Hamlyn (2008), Paperback, 144 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Cute Knits for Baby Feet: 30 Adorable Projects for Newborns to 4 Year Olds von Sue Whiting

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How could you make an entire book of baby socks without being repetitious, you might wonder. Apparently, the answer is that you can't. A lot of the socks in this book are more of the same trying too hard to be different and not succeeding. A basic sock with a flower sewn onto it - or dots duplicate stitched onto it -- or hearts duplicate stitched onto it - or stars embroidered onto it -- don't need to be presented as four different projects (and there are a lot more of the same sort). Then there are the ones where the additions actually render the socks dangerous and come with warnings. Really. "Parts of the sock may become entangled in peddles [sic] or wheels" of riding toys "thus causing injury". The extremely big ears on the elephant sock should also elicit a warning against allowing the child to wear it while walking or standing. A toddler is bound to step on them and fall on its nose.

Another slightly annoying feature of the book is that it uses only Rowan yarns -- which is okay -- but some are not labelled with equivalent weight, so in a year or a decade when the yarns are discontinued, it will take a wee bit of trouble to find out that "Rowan Cotton Glace" really was a DK weight and Rowan Wool Cotton was -- whatever it is.

That being said, there are several practical and attractive patterns. I bought the book for the woolly tights pattern. At the current price of commercially made toddler tights, the book pays for itself with the first pair knit! ( )
  muumi | Oct 30, 2009 |
One for someone looking to knit something for babies, a lot of them are quite twee, there's a christmas stocking in the mix as well as leggings, so a good variety. If this is your thing this is probably the book for you.

Personally I found that a lot of the patterns for boys were quite impractical (snake socks and duckbill socks) and the patterns for girls involved a lot too much lace and ribbons. A few basic "my sister-in-law/friend/whatever is having a gender non specific baby and I'd like to knit her something" patterns would be a nice addition to this one. There are a few but I found them uninspiring. ( )
  wyvernfriend | Dec 23, 2008 |
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Es macht Spaß, Socken für Babys und Kleinkinder zu stricken, und schnell geht es obendrein. In diesem Buch finden Sie jede Menge Mini-Modelle, die selbst Strickanfängern schnell von der Nadel gehen. Jedes Projekt wird Schritt für Schritt bis zur Ausarbeitung der liebevollen Details erklärt.

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