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Lowside of the Road: A Life of Tom Waits von…
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Lowside of the Road: A Life of Tom Waits (2010. Auflage)

von Barney Hoskyns

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With his trademark growl, carnival-madman persona, haunting music, and unforgettable lyrics, Tom Waits is one of the most revered and critically acclaimed singer-songwriters alive today. After beginning his career on the margins of the 1970s Los Angeles rock scene, Waits has spent the last thirty years carving out a place for himself among such greats as Bob Dylan and Neil Young. Like them, he is a chameleonic survivor who has achieved long-term success while retaining cult credibility and outsider mystique. But although his songs can seem deeply personal and somewhat autobiographical, fans still know very little about the man himself. Notoriously private, Waits has consistently and deliberately blurred the line between fact and fiction, public and private personas, until it has become impossible to delineate between truth and self-fabricated legend. Lowside of the Road is the first serious biography to cut through the myths and make sense of the life and career of this beloved icon. Barney Hoskyns has gained unprecedented access to Waits's inner circle and also draws on interviews he has done with Waits over the years. Spanning his extraordinary forty-year career from Closing Time to Orphans, from his perilous "jazzbo" years in 1970s LA to such shape-shifting albums as Swordfishtrombones and Rain Dogs to the Grammy Award winners of recent years, this definitive biography charts Waits's life and art step by step, album by album. Barney Hoskyns has written a rock biography--much like the subject himself--unlike any other. It is a unique take on one of rock's great enigmas.… (mehr)
Titel:Lowside of the Road: A Life of Tom Waits
Autoren:Barney Hoskyns
Info:Three Rivers Press (2010), Edition: 1, Paperback, 640 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Tom Waits: Ein Leben am Straßenrand von Barney Hoskyns

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The further I read in Hoskyns biography, the more I was reminded of A.J. Weberman, the guy who spent years digging through Bob Dylan's trash and analyzing it. I was surprised when, a few pages before the end of this Tom Waits biography, Hoskyns asks himself, and his readers, whether he isn't doing something like Weberman. My answer is yes, and it's not pretty. While Hoskyns cites Waits' clear statements about the need to keep some part of his life private, and the relationship between mystery and art, Hoskyns clearly holds it against Waits that he refused to authorize this biography and refused access to himself and his family, and then discouraged close friends from talking with Hoskyns. He opens the book with this gripe and includes an appendix of e-mails from friends of Waits who have turned down his requests for interviews. Sour grapes, and they sour the whole project. ( )
  nmele | Apr 6, 2013 |
I love the music of Tom Wait and he is such a private person. This book was excellent in detailing his early years and his music inspirations . I now know why he keeps his past hidden.
I guess me myself coming from living with a musician in S.F and going on tour and being in all the seedy little nightclubs myself, the book took me to uncomfortable places I dont like to go in my head. SO on that note the writer did a good job. If you are a fan of Tom Waits I would suggest reading it. It gives you a rare glimpse,insight to the man that lyrics make you dream.
  mikomi6 | Jul 22, 2011 |
felt a bit tainted when i realised that this was unauthorised. go the impression that the author hadn't quite dealt with his version not getting the go ahead from waits also. ( )
  Bbec | Jan 5, 2010 |
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Prologue: I'm guessing the woman was a Jewish-American Princess, though I've no idea how cold she was on her honeymoon.
Chapter 1: Tom Waits tends to bristle when interviewers probe him for the lowdown on his early years as a suburban oddball in the inland empire of Los Angeles.
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With his trademark growl, carnival-madman persona, haunting music, and unforgettable lyrics, Tom Waits is one of the most revered and critically acclaimed singer-songwriters alive today. After beginning his career on the margins of the 1970s Los Angeles rock scene, Waits has spent the last thirty years carving out a place for himself among such greats as Bob Dylan and Neil Young. Like them, he is a chameleonic survivor who has achieved long-term success while retaining cult credibility and outsider mystique. But although his songs can seem deeply personal and somewhat autobiographical, fans still know very little about the man himself. Notoriously private, Waits has consistently and deliberately blurred the line between fact and fiction, public and private personas, until it has become impossible to delineate between truth and self-fabricated legend. Lowside of the Road is the first serious biography to cut through the myths and make sense of the life and career of this beloved icon. Barney Hoskyns has gained unprecedented access to Waits's inner circle and also draws on interviews he has done with Waits over the years. Spanning his extraordinary forty-year career from Closing Time to Orphans, from his perilous "jazzbo" years in 1970s LA to such shape-shifting albums as Swordfishtrombones and Rain Dogs to the Grammy Award winners of recent years, this definitive biography charts Waits's life and art step by step, album by album. Barney Hoskyns has written a rock biography--much like the subject himself--unlike any other. It is a unique take on one of rock's great enigmas.

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