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Logo, Font & Lettering Bible von Leslie…
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Logo, Font & Lettering Bible (2004. Auflage)

von Leslie Cabarga (Autor)

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1662170,280 (4.03)2
Put the power to design logos and type in your own hands! Why be a designer who must rely upon preexisting typefaces and clip art when you can become the kind of designer who creates logos, fonts and lettering of your own? Leslie Cabarga, author of the bestselling Designer's Guide to Color Combinations, has created a textbook of type for the experienced graphics professional as well as the beginning student of design. You'll learn how to: Create innovative logo design traditionally and on the computer Develop a discerning eye for quality lettering and logo design Design your own custom-made fonts Build a profitable business as a logo, font and lettering designer It's the most comprehensive treatise on logos, fonts and lettering available! The easy-to-read, fun-to-browse, picture-heavy format makes learning to letter a snap. The Logo, Font & Lettering Bible provides the start-to-finish information you need to succeed in today's competitive design market.… (mehr)
Titel:Logo, Font & Lettering Bible
Autoren:Leslie Cabarga (Autor)
Info:How Design Books (2004), Edition: First edition., 240 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Logo, Font & Lettering Bible von Leslie Cabarga

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I'm marking this as read, because I've spent hours (seriously, hours) reading and browsing this book, and it has earned a permanent place beside me in my studio, beside my bed to read and read again, and anywhere I have a chance to look at it.

This is a gorgeous book, written with a discreet (usually) sense of humour, and even though it was published in 2004, it is still extremely useful and inspiring. Every single page is eye-catching and interesting. One could possibly say that it is sometimes "busy" to look at, but the whole point (I think) of this book, is how to make anything interesting to look at.

I bloody love this book. I'd marry it, if I could. (well, I hope he would...!) ( )
  KVHardy | Jan 2, 2015 |
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Put the power to design logos and type in your own hands! Why be a designer who must rely upon preexisting typefaces and clip art when you can become the kind of designer who creates logos, fonts and lettering of your own? Leslie Cabarga, author of the bestselling Designer's Guide to Color Combinations, has created a textbook of type for the experienced graphics professional as well as the beginning student of design. You'll learn how to: Create innovative logo design traditionally and on the computer Develop a discerning eye for quality lettering and logo design Design your own custom-made fonts Build a profitable business as a logo, font and lettering designer It's the most comprehensive treatise on logos, fonts and lettering available! The easy-to-read, fun-to-browse, picture-heavy format makes learning to letter a snap. The Logo, Font & Lettering Bible provides the start-to-finish information you need to succeed in today's competitive design market.

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