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Raising a Modern Day Knight: A Father's Role…
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Raising a Modern Day Knight: A Father's Role in Guiding His Son to Authentic Manhood (1999. Auflage)

von Robert Lewis (Autor)

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1,230616,564 (3.91)1
What does it mean to be a man? Moreover, how do you as a father instill that reality in your son? By Raising a Modern-Day Knight. The medieval custom of knighthood offers an unique approach to shaping a boy into a strong, godly man. Centuries ago, select boys went through a rigorous, years-long process of clearly defined objectives, goals, and ceremonies-with the hope of achieving knighthood. Along the way, they acquired a boldly masculine vision, an uncompromising code of conduct, and a noble cause in which to invest their lives. They were the heroes of their age. In much the same way, Raising a Modern-Day Knight will show how you, too, can confidently guide your son to the kind of authentic, biblical manhood that can change out world. Complete with ceremony ideas to celebrate accomplishments and ingrain them in the mind of a knight-in-training, this resource is as insightful as it is practical in raising a boy to be a chivalrous, godly man.… (mehr)
Titel:Raising a Modern Day Knight: A Father's Role in Guiding His Son to Authentic Manhood
Autoren:Robert Lewis (Autor)
Info:Focus on the Family (1999), 168 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Raising a Modern-Day Knight: A Father's Role in Guiding His Son to Authentic Manhood von Robert Lewis

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I read this as part of a six-week study through church. It lays out a clear, specific definition of manhood which is sorely lacking in American society today. By and large, the ideas presented are based on Biblical principles, but I would have liked more scripture involved throughout. At first I was skeptical of the ceremony idea, but the more I read and thought, the more I came around. What I did not like, especially towards the end, was the way Lewis started plugging his other books and series. Put ads in the back of the book, if that's what you want to do, but don't tell me it's my next step. All in all though, between the book and the classes, I feel like fatherhood has become a whole lot less murky. ( )
  Library_Guard | Jun 17, 2024 |
Hannah Mattix
  danielsoffice | Aug 16, 2023 |
A must must read for any many with preteen /teen boys who truly wants to empower them with good morals and the sense of right and wrong and where the life can take them ( )
  longhorndaniel | May 29, 2013 |
Very practical. ( )
  wsbooks | Jun 19, 2010 |
Biblical ideals code of conduct
Loyalty - Hosea 6:6
Servant-Leadership - Matthew 20:26-27
Kindness - Proverbs 19:22
Humility - Philiippians 2:3
Purity - 1 Timothy 4:12
Honesty - Ephesians 4:25
Self-Discipline - 1 Timothy 4:7-8
Excellence - 1 Corinthians 9:24
Integrity - Probers 10:9
Perseverance - Galatians 6:9

Four keys to effective training
-set a godly example
-teaching spiritual truth
-sharing stories
-affirmation, attention, discipline

Cornerstones of manhood
-rejects passivity
-accepts responsibility
-leads courageously
-expects the greater reward...God's reward

Ceremonies are very important, and seal in meaning and ideals.
  teampoush | Oct 13, 2007 |
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To dads everywhere who desire to empower their sons with a manhood of honor, molded by the life of Jesus Christ.
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Dad, try to imagine the following scenario.
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What does it mean to be a man? Moreover, how do you as a father instill that reality in your son? By Raising a Modern-Day Knight. The medieval custom of knighthood offers an unique approach to shaping a boy into a strong, godly man. Centuries ago, select boys went through a rigorous, years-long process of clearly defined objectives, goals, and ceremonies-with the hope of achieving knighthood. Along the way, they acquired a boldly masculine vision, an uncompromising code of conduct, and a noble cause in which to invest their lives. They were the heroes of their age. In much the same way, Raising a Modern-Day Knight will show how you, too, can confidently guide your son to the kind of authentic, biblical manhood that can change out world. Complete with ceremony ideas to celebrate accomplishments and ingrain them in the mind of a knight-in-training, this resource is as insightful as it is practical in raising a boy to be a chivalrous, godly man.

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