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Encyclopedia of Government and Politics, Volume 1

von Mary Hawkesworth

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This is a brand-new edition of the critically acclaimed Encyclopedia of Government and Politics which has been fully revised and updated to provide a systematic account of politics and political studies at the beginning of the new millennium. Providing a penetrating analysis of government and politics at a global, regional and nation-state level, the Encyclopedia assesses both traditional and contemporary approaches, and projects the paths of future research. The articles provide a degree of critical analysis far beyond a simple descriptive outline of the subject. Internationally respected contributors have been carefully selected to present contending approaches to related topics, both to clarify the political implications of the various methodologies and to enrich the portrayal of political life. With its expanded, revised and updated coverage, Encyclopedia of Government and Politics is more than ever an indispensable tool for students, teachers, professional analysts and policy-makers.… (mehr)
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This is a brand-new edition of the critically acclaimed Encyclopedia of Government and Politics which has been fully revised and updated to provide a systematic account of politics and political studies at the beginning of the new millennium. Providing a penetrating analysis of government and politics at a global, regional and nation-state level, the Encyclopedia assesses both traditional and contemporary approaches, and projects the paths of future research. The articles provide a degree of critical analysis far beyond a simple descriptive outline of the subject. Internationally respected contributors have been carefully selected to present contending approaches to related topics, both to clarify the political implications of the various methodologies and to enrich the portrayal of political life. With its expanded, revised and updated coverage, Encyclopedia of Government and Politics is more than ever an indispensable tool for students, teachers, professional analysts and policy-makers.

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