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To Have and To Kill: Nurse Melanie McGuire,…
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To Have and To Kill: Nurse Melanie McGuire, an Illicit Affair, and the Gruesome Murder of Her Husband (2008. Auflage)

von John Glatt

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One by one, three waterlogged suitcases were pulled from the Chesapeake Bay. In each were body parts of a man. In a forensics room, the truth was discovered: William McGuire had been horribly murdered and dismembered. William and his loving wife, a registered nurse named Melanie, had just closed on their New Jersey dream home. Little did William know about the nightmare that was in store . . . For Melanie had been involved in a long-term affair with a married doctor at the fertility clinic where she worked-and she had plans for the future that didn't include William. Investigators believe that on April 29, 2004, Melanie first drugged her husband, then murdered him in cold blood. Three years after America witnessed the details of the suitcase incident unfold-on 48 Hours, Dateline NBC, and ABC Primetime, and in People magazine, among other news outlets-Melanie was convicted of first-degree murder and desecrating human remains. To Have and to Kill is the true story of a marriage that turned deadly . . .… (mehr)
Titel:To Have and To Kill: Nurse Melanie McGuire, an Illicit Affair, and the Gruesome Murder of Her Husband
Autoren:John Glatt
Info:St. Martin's True Crime (2008), Edition: First Edition, Mass Market Paperback, 384 pages
Sammlungen:Read, Deine Bibliothek, Lese gerade, Noch zu lesen, Gelesen, aber nicht im Besitz
Tags:non-fiction, true-crime


To Have and To Kill: Nurse Melanie McGuire, an Illicit Affair, and the Gruesome Murder of Her Husband von John Glatt

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If you've ever watched any shows on Oxygen, Investigative Discovery or Court TV you probably are familiar with this case. Quick run down is not so happily married couple decides to buy a house. Wife kills husband and then dismembers him in an insane disposal plan using (doh!) matching luggage, and tosses the body parts off a bridge. Fisherman "catch" the luggage. there's much more to this story that you didn't necessarily hear about on Forensic Files or Snapped. This was fascinating to me and I think others will find it just as compelling as I did. ( )
  amoderndaybelle | May 27, 2021 |
Finished this 2 days ago and I really liked it. Must add that I had not heard anything about this case so it was all new to me. I liked the way the book was written. He managed to pull me in to the story and I was glad how it ended.
Checked the Internet and discovered there are many stories and pictures about her. Going to read the news articles.
( )
  Marlene-NL | Apr 12, 2013 |
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One by one, three waterlogged suitcases were pulled from the Chesapeake Bay. In each were body parts of a man. In a forensics room, the truth was discovered: William McGuire had been horribly murdered and dismembered. William and his loving wife, a registered nurse named Melanie, had just closed on their New Jersey dream home. Little did William know about the nightmare that was in store . . . For Melanie had been involved in a long-term affair with a married doctor at the fertility clinic where she worked-and she had plans for the future that didn't include William. Investigators believe that on April 29, 2004, Melanie first drugged her husband, then murdered him in cold blood. Three years after America witnessed the details of the suitcase incident unfold-on 48 Hours, Dateline NBC, and ABC Primetime, and in People magazine, among other news outlets-Melanie was convicted of first-degree murder and desecrating human remains. To Have and to Kill is the true story of a marriage that turned deadly . . .

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