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The Rabbit Factory: A Lomax & Biggs Mystery…
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The Rabbit Factory: A Lomax & Biggs Mystery (2006. Auflage)

von Marshall Karp (Autor)

Reihen: Lomax and Biggs (1)

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3201984,672 (3.93)16
Fiction. Mystery. HTML:

Welcome to Familyland, an offshoot of Lamaar Studios. Once a small, Southern California animation house, it has grown into an entertainment conglomerate encompassing movies, television, music, video games, and a sprawling theme park.

When an actor portraying Familyland's beloved mascot, Rambunctious Rabbit,

is brutally murdered on park grounds, Lamaar executives are worried that the idyllic image of '50s America represented in Familyland will be shattered. They ask Mike Lomax and his partner Terry Biggs, the LAPD detectives assigned to solve the case, to keep the circumstances surrounding the death of their mascot quiet.

When a second Lamaar employee is killed, Lomax and Biggs uncover a conspiracy to destroy Familyland and settle an unknown vendetta. Still under pressure to keep the case away from the public eye, the detectives are met with a third murderâ??and an outrageous demand: Anyone who associates with Lamaarâ??employees, customers, anyoneâ??will be killed.

Bringing a fresh duo of cops to the thriller set, The Rabbit Factory is both suspenseful and satiric; a taut mystery wrapped in sharp, comedic pr… (mehr)

Titel:The Rabbit Factory: A Lomax & Biggs Mystery
Autoren:Marshall Karp (Autor)
Info:MacAdam/Cage (2006), Edition: 1st ed/1st printing, 632 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


The Rabbit Factory von Marshall Karp

  1. 00
    Electric Barracuda von Tim Dorsey (FMRox)
    FMRox: Humorous mystery.
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Grungy detective story that does a great job answering, "What if Disneyland had a direct competitor, and what if there were skeletons in that competitor's closet?" Really liking it so far.

DONE! Really liked it. Intriguing, funny at times, touching at others. ( )
  jennievh | Sep 13, 2024 |
It seems like any novel with the first bit of humor these days is touted as the next Carl Hiaasen. And so this one was mis-labeled. Carl Hiassen's plot and characters are funny crazy. Marshall Karp's narrator has a wonderful sense of humor and hilarious way of expressing himself. This book does not need to inaccurate comparison. It's great on its own. The FamilyLand theme park, movie business, mega corporation is being terrorized. LAPD detectives Mike Lomax and Terry Biggs are on the case. (I do hope this is the first of their cases. I'd love to read more.) ( )
  susandennis | Jun 5, 2020 |
Family Land and Laamar Studios are a fictional rival to Disney Land and the Disney Studios. The background of Laamar and Disney are basically the same.

Someone is out to destroy the Laamar empire. An exciting, funny mystery. A little too much swearing and a unnecessary sex scene with Mike and his girl friend. But over all very enjoyable. ( )
  nx74defiant | Jan 23, 2016 |
When the actor playing Rambunctious Rabbit-the mascot of of Lamar Studio's family theme park is murdered, Lomax and Biggs are assigned the case. There is great pressure to solve this case and keep the murder quiet so that the theme park loses no business. When two more murders take place, it becomes obvious that someone is trying to destroy the business. ( )
  creighley | Aug 23, 2015 |
The theme of the book, while focused on murder, has overtones of terrorist activity. The characters display typical 'cop humor'. The story is well crafted, bringing the reader along with the detectives as they track down a variety of clues. The ending is interesting and upbeat. ( )
  DrLed | Jan 17, 2013 |
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Eddie Elkins ambled down Fantasy Avenue. A light breeze penetrated his costume, and he felt relatively cool inside the furry white rabbit suit.
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Fiction. Mystery. HTML:

Welcome to Familyland, an offshoot of Lamaar Studios. Once a small, Southern California animation house, it has grown into an entertainment conglomerate encompassing movies, television, music, video games, and a sprawling theme park.

When an actor portraying Familyland's beloved mascot, Rambunctious Rabbit,

is brutally murdered on park grounds, Lamaar executives are worried that the idyllic image of '50s America represented in Familyland will be shattered. They ask Mike Lomax and his partner Terry Biggs, the LAPD detectives assigned to solve the case, to keep the circumstances surrounding the death of their mascot quiet.

When a second Lamaar employee is killed, Lomax and Biggs uncover a conspiracy to destroy Familyland and settle an unknown vendetta. Still under pressure to keep the case away from the public eye, the detectives are met with a third murderâ??and an outrageous demand: Anyone who associates with Lamaarâ??employees, customers, anyoneâ??will be killed.

Bringing a fresh duo of cops to the thriller set, The Rabbit Factory is both suspenseful and satiric; a taut mystery wrapped in sharp, comedic pr

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