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High Performance Pigments

von Hugh M. Smith

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This volume is the ideal companion to Wiley's trilogy: The Pigments Handbook (1988), Industrial Organic Pigments (1997), and Industrial Inorganic Pigments (1998). High Performance Pigments have become increasingly important in recent years, with a growth rate well in advance of the more classical types of pigments. The book offers both producers and users of High Performance Pigments the opportunity to review and update their understanding of latest technologies and market issues impacting both inorganic and organic High Performance Pigments, together with assessing key regulatory affairs, in this specialty niche of the chemical industry. The manufacture of High Performance Pigments is today a global industry. This is reflected in the multinational expertise of the over twenty experts, drawn from Europe, North America and Asia, who have authored chapters in this book. No professional today can afford to waste time on unfocussed research. This book will effectively help chemists, physicists, engineers, applications and regulatory specialists, and materials scientists to stay ahead in this fast-changing field.… (mehr)
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This volume is the ideal companion to Wiley's trilogy: The Pigments Handbook (1988), Industrial Organic Pigments (1997), and Industrial Inorganic Pigments (1998). High Performance Pigments have become increasingly important in recent years, with a growth rate well in advance of the more classical types of pigments. The book offers both producers and users of High Performance Pigments the opportunity to review and update their understanding of latest technologies and market issues impacting both inorganic and organic High Performance Pigments, together with assessing key regulatory affairs, in this specialty niche of the chemical industry. The manufacture of High Performance Pigments is today a global industry. This is reflected in the multinational expertise of the over twenty experts, drawn from Europe, North America and Asia, who have authored chapters in this book. No professional today can afford to waste time on unfocussed research. This book will effectively help chemists, physicists, engineers, applications and regulatory specialists, and materials scientists to stay ahead in this fast-changing field.

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