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Gates of Paradise (Casteel) von V. C.…
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Gates of Paradise (Casteel) (Original 1989; 2019. Auflage)

von V. C. Andrews (Autor)

Reihen: Casteel (4)

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1,2491616,199 (3.57)2
Stunned by tragedy, desperate and alone, Heaven's daughter clung to the frailest of dreams! The car crash that killed Heaven and Logan left Annie Casteel Stonewall orphaned and crippled. Whisked off to Farthinggale Manor by the possessive Tony Tatterton, Annie pines for her lost family, but especially for Luke, her half-brother. Friend of her childhood, her fantasy prince, her loving confidante...without the warm glow of Luke's love, she is lost in the shadows of despair. When Annie discovers Troy's cottage hidden in Farthinggale's woods, the mystery of her past deepens. And even as she yearns to see Luke again, her hopes and dreams are darkened by the sinister Casteel spell...treacherous, powerful and evil!… (mehr)
Titel:Gates of Paradise (Casteel)
Autoren:V. C. Andrews (Autor)
Info:Pocket Books (2019), Edition: Media Tie-In, 448 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Nacht über Eden von V. C. Andrews (1989)

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[b:Gates of Paradise|53072|Gates of Paradise|V.C. Andrews||565241]
So, I wanted to watch this movie with my mom on lifetime. So, I decided I was going to read the book first. I had no idea it was the fourth book in a series but I have some thoughts.
I'm not sure that Heaven had to be killed here, but I suppose we wouldn't have seen Tony Tatterton any other way; or at least in the way he did here. He turns out being the controlling, manipulator, He tells Annie that he has the chance to make amends and wants to, and maybe he did which is the sad part. Unfortunately for him he can't be any other way so he literally pays off Drake so they could keep Annie away from her past and what's left of her family especially Luke. I loved Luke and Annie’s forbidden love story in the beginning because it was written in the true Andrews style.

I don't agree with many of the reviews where Annie is accused of being whiny and spoiled; no Annie is not as strong as Heaven but in all fairness, she never had to face the obstacles Heaven did and had no reason to until now. Considering what happened to her I think Annie did show a lot of strength and defiance in some ways, especially when she was faced with Tony and Drake's lies, but she was annoying in her near obsession of Luke who she thought was her half-brother at one time. I was annoyed that she be upset at the thought of his finding a possible girlfriend why were they allowed to become so close like this? They weren't locked up together like Chris and Cathy so in some ways its bizarre. It's okay that they were close but to develop those kinds of feelings. It's not like they didn't have lives outside each other's and yet it seems that way. Oh well. In getting back to Tony like I said just pathetic. That he could still have that old lust for the young Leigh; how sad. I guess Leigh came back through Heaven and then through Annie and so on.

Still not a bad book just wish Heaven didn't have to die and the way she did too. No surprise that Fanny's jealousy drove her to her death practically. But why would Heaven being the strong-willed woman she always was; get in a car with a drunk Logan when a storm was about to start? She knew the storm was starting and she knew Logan had enough to drink; more than anything why did they put up with Fanny? Why even go to that party when all she did was keep throwing her affair with Logan in their face? I will be back tracking this series because I need to see how it started.
( )
  b00kdarling87 | Jan 7, 2024 |
Narra la sobrecogedora historia de Annie, la hija de Heaven. Desde que su madre abandonara para siempre la diabólica mansión de Farthinggale Manor, Annie siente una intensa curiosidad por ese lugar. En compañía de Luke, su querido amigo y confidente, imagina que la mansión familiar es un paraíso romántico y maravilloso donde podría realizar todos sus sueños. Sin embargo, la fatalidad signa el destino de Annie: a raíz de un accidente de tráfico mueren sus padres, y ella resulta con las piernas paralizadas. El posesivo Tony Tatterton. bisabuelo de Annie, la lleva a Farthinggale Manor y se encarga de su recuperación, apartándola del mundo exterior.
A partir de entonces, Annie se encuentra con una realidad pesadillesca: la mansión no es acogedora y dichosa como la imaginaba, sino un lugar derruido y desolador, a imagen y semejanza de la mente de su bisabuelo, sumido en un proceso de locura que le lleva a confundir a su bisnieta con su esposa e hija ya fallecida, y la convierte en rehen de sus obsesiones... Quizá la única salvación para Annie se encuentre en Troy, hermano de Tony y una de las pocas personas capaces de desvelar los secretos de una historia familiar sórdida y aterradora...
  Natt90 | Jun 21, 2022 |
I try to express only my most honest opinion in a spoiler-free way. Unfortunately, there is still always a risk of slight spoilers despite my best efforts. If you feel something in my review is a spoiler please let me know. Thank you.

After her an accident kills her parents and leaves her paralized from the waist down. Annie leaves her home in Winnerow to live with Tony. A man shes heard of all her life but only just met. He seems a kind old man who wants only whats best for her. One thing after another happens and all the secrets of the women who came before her begin to surface and nothing is what she believed it to be.

Not a bad read. It makes me sad to see the way that Heaven's story ends though, but through Annie we get a pretty good conclusion to the series. While I do intend to read Web of Dreams, its really a prequel, so to me this is the story's conclusion. In true V.C. Andrews fashion. It's filled with angst, tragedy, horror, and incest. Only for some reason this book's one felt so much more eww than normal. But that might just be me. ( )
  starslight86 | Jul 20, 2021 |
The writing is boring and the story is medium ok. Kinda ( )
  LoisSusan | Dec 10, 2020 |
In this fourth installment of the Casteel Family Saga, Heaven and Logan settle in Winnerow—a small town in the hills of Virginia. Their daughter, Annie, and Logan and Fanny's bastard son, Luke Jr., are both eighteen and already profoundly attracted to each other. They haven't acted on their feelings, however, since they have the same father. Then Heaven and Logan are killed in an auto accident, which also leaves Annie in a wheelchair. She finds herself suddenly whisked away to the stately Farthinggale Manor by her grandfather, Tony Tatterton. Trapped there by Tony to recuperate and heal, she quickly learns her family's dreadful secrets and her own grandfather's sinister intentions. Just in the nick of time, Fanny and Luke Jr. come to her rescue, but not before Annie learns a shocking secret of Heaven's dark past and her own paternity. ( )
  PaulaGalvan | Sep 5, 2020 |
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For as long as I could remember, the only person I could share my deepest secrets with was Luke Casteel, Jr. (Prologue)
"Oh no!" Drake exclaimed, coming up behind me without my realizing it because I was so involved in my painting. (Chapter 1)
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Stunned by tragedy, desperate and alone, Heaven's daughter clung to the frailest of dreams! The car crash that killed Heaven and Logan left Annie Casteel Stonewall orphaned and crippled. Whisked off to Farthinggale Manor by the possessive Tony Tatterton, Annie pines for her lost family, but especially for Luke, her half-brother. Friend of her childhood, her fantasy prince, her loving confidante...without the warm glow of Luke's love, she is lost in the shadows of despair. When Annie discovers Troy's cottage hidden in Farthinggale's woods, the mystery of her past deepens. And even as she yearns to see Luke again, her hopes and dreams are darkened by the sinister Casteel spell...treacherous, powerful and evil!

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