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Honey von V.C. Andrews
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Honey (2001. Auflage)

von V.C. Andrews

Reihen: Shooting Stars (4)

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296292,293 (3)1
In her music, she found sweet salvation.... Honey grew up on a farm under her strict, fanatically religious grandfather's disapproving eye. To him, everything is a sin -- from her natural-born talent for the violin to her innocent interest in boys and dating -- and life is a treacherous path to be walked in fear. When Honey is paired for music practice with a brilliant piano student, wealthy Chandler Maxwell, she discovers a true soul mate. But when a shocking family secret comes to light, Honey discovers the startling cause of her grandfather's bitter fury. And her own precious joy may be lost forever....… (mehr)
Autoren:V.C. Andrews
Info:Pocket (2001), Paperback, 208 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Honey von V. C. Andrews

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It's a V.C. Andrews franchise piece. There's not much else I can say. It's part 4 of a 5-book series of sorts. The first four (also available in an omnibus edition) introduce the brilliantly talented girls who are going to be meeting each other in book 5. It is what it is. It didn't suck, but reading the first 4 didn't make me ready to run right out and get the 5th either. I mean, sweet girls, but I'm not exactly invested. These books are short, so they are good for those "I can't decide what to read" days.
( )
  Mahnogard | Aug 28, 2021 |
It's a V.C. Andrews franchise piece. There's not much else I can say. It's part 4 of a 5-book series of sorts. The first four (also available in an omnibus edition) introduce the brilliantly talented girls who are going to be meeting each other in book 5. It is what it is. It didn't suck, but reading the first 4 didn't make me ready to run right out and get the 5th either. I mean, sweet girls, but I'm not exactly invested. These books are short, so they are good for those "I can't decide what to read" days. ( )
  CWatkinsNash | Sep 23, 2013 |
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In her music, she found sweet salvation.... Honey grew up on a farm under her strict, fanatically religious grandfather's disapproving eye. To him, everything is a sin -- from her natural-born talent for the violin to her innocent interest in boys and dating -- and life is a treacherous path to be walked in fear. When Honey is paired for music practice with a brilliant piano student, wealthy Chandler Maxwell, she discovers a true soul mate. But when a shocking family secret comes to light, Honey discovers the startling cause of her grandfather's bitter fury. And her own precious joy may be lost forever....

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