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Petals on the Wind von V.C. Andrews
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Petals on the Wind (2003. Auflage)

von V.C. Andrews

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3,140474,486 (3.44)20
Fiction. Suspense. HTML:On the heels of the successful Lifetime TV version of Flowers in the Attic comes the TV movie tie-in edition of Petals On the Wind, the second book in the captivating Dollanganger saga.
Forbidden love comes into full bloom. For three years they were kept hidden in the eaves of Foxworth Hall, their existence all but denied by a mother who schemed to inherit a fortune. For three years their fate was in the hands of their righteous, merciless grandmother. They had to stay strong...but in their hopeless world, Cathy and her brother Christopher discovered blossoming desires that tumbled into a powerful obsession. Now, with their frail sister Carrie, they have broken free and scraped enough together for three bus tickets and a chance at a new life. The horrors of the attic are behind them...but they will carry its legacy of dark secrets forever.… (mehr)
Titel:Petals on the Wind
Autoren:V.C. Andrews
Info:Pocket (2003), Mass Market Paperback, 439 pages
Sammlungen:Read, Deine Bibliothek


Wie Blüten im Wind. Das Erbe von Foxworth Hall 2. (Roman) von V. C. Andrews

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For Carrie, Chris and Cathy, the attic was a dark horror that would not leave their minds, even while they built bright, promising new lives. Of course mother had to pretend they didn't exist.
And Grandmother was convinced they had the devil in them.
But that wasn't their fault. Was it? Cathy knew what to do.
She now had the powers she had learned from her beautiful mother. She knew it in the way her brother still yearned for her, in the way her guardian touched her, in the way all men looked at her.
She knew it was time to put what she knew to the test. To show her mother and grandmother that the pain and terror of the attic could not be forgotten... Show them.
Show them—once and for all. ( )
  LynneQuan | Aug 16, 2024 |
Im slowly falling in love with this series but that is because they are making them into movies and the writing is fantastic
  b00kdarling87 | Jan 7, 2024 |
This series was recommended to me. I made it through the first book, which I did not like. It was suggested that I try the second book because I might like it better. I read halfway through but didn’t finish it. This is not a genre I read. ( )
  MyFathersDragon | Dec 7, 2023 |
The followup to Flowers in the Attic. I read this book back in about 1983. I don't remember too much about it, except that it wasn't near as interesting. The kids were all grown up. ( )
  MissysBookshelf | Aug 27, 2023 |
No where near as enjoyable as the first. Maybe it was 30 years ago but today, it was painful to finish. Filled with sexism, what equates to rape but packaged as just what a man does when a woman "leads him on."

I disliked Cathy strongly throughout the entire thing. I think I've had my fill of the series. Not unhappy about rereading the first two books though. I've thought about the series - at least the first book - many times over the years and I'm glad I took the plunge and revisited Cathy, Christopher, Carrie, and Cory. ( )
  amcheri | Jan 5, 2023 |
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V. C. AndrewsHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
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O'er the earth there comes a bloom;
Sunny light for sullen gloom; Warm perfume for vapor cold— I smell the rose above the mold!
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How young we were the day we escaped.
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Fiction. Suspense. HTML:On the heels of the successful Lifetime TV version of Flowers in the Attic comes the TV movie tie-in edition of Petals On the Wind, the second book in the captivating Dollanganger saga.
Forbidden love comes into full bloom. For three years they were kept hidden in the eaves of Foxworth Hall, their existence all but denied by a mother who schemed to inherit a fortune. For three years their fate was in the hands of their righteous, merciless grandmother. They had to stay strong...but in their hopeless world, Cathy and her brother Christopher discovered blossoming desires that tumbled into a powerful obsession. Now, with their frail sister Carrie, they have broken free and scraped enough together for three bus tickets and a chance at a new life. The horrors of the attic are behind them...but they will carry its legacy of dark secrets forever.

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4 204
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