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The Queen of Sheba: A Novel: A Tale of…
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The Queen of Sheba: A Novel: A Tale of Political Intrigue and a Search for Love and Faith (1996. Auflage)

von Roberta Kells Dorr (Autor)

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1143247,557 (3.88)Keine
Fiction. Historical Fiction. HTML:

This stirring account of the Queen of Sheba's search for truth and love paints a captivating portrait of a woman struggling with her passions and responsibilities in the ancient Middle East..

Dorr tells of a beautiful, intelligent, and independent queen who constantly battles the priests and high lords of her kingdom who resent being ruled by a woman. Bilqis, the queen of Sheba, is a woman as modern as her story is ancient.

Disillusioned by her own religion, under pressure to marry but finding no suitor who meets her own high standards, and disturbed by the new fleet of ships on her trade routes, Bilqis travels to Israel to meet the legendary Hebrew king and divert a needless and costly war.

How Solomon finally wins her, and how this beautiful queen resolves the conflicts among herself, her old religion, and the intrigues of her kinsmen, make The Queen of Sheba an exciting, bold novel of love and faith.

… (mehr)
Titel:The Queen of Sheba: A Novel: A Tale of Political Intrigue and a Search for Love and Faith
Autoren:Roberta Kells Dorr (Autor)
Info:Ballantine Books (1996), Edition: Reprint
Sammlungen:Christian Fiction


The Queen of Sheba von Roberta Kells Dorr

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Wonderful book! ( )
  ChurchMouse70 | Jul 10, 2018 |
NO OF PAGES: 275 SUB CAT I: Fiction SUB CAT II: SUB CAT III: DESCRIPTION: Weaving an age-old legend with meticulous historical and archaeological research, this book tells the riveting tale of a woman who longs for love and discovers much more than she ever expected.NOTES: SUBTITLE: A Tale of Political Intrigue and a Search for Love and Faith
  BeitHallel | Feb 18, 2011 |
NO OF PAGES: 275 SUB CAT I: Fiction SUB CAT II: SUB CAT III: DESCRIPTION: Weaving an age-old legend with meticulous historical and archaeological research, this book tells the riveting tale of a woman who longs for love and discovers much more than she ever expected.NOTES: SUBTITLE: A Tale of Political Intrigue and a Search for Love and Faith
  BeitHallel | Feb 18, 2011 |
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Fiction. Historical Fiction. HTML:

This stirring account of the Queen of Sheba's search for truth and love paints a captivating portrait of a woman struggling with her passions and responsibilities in the ancient Middle East..

Dorr tells of a beautiful, intelligent, and independent queen who constantly battles the priests and high lords of her kingdom who resent being ruled by a woman. Bilqis, the queen of Sheba, is a woman as modern as her story is ancient.

Disillusioned by her own religion, under pressure to marry but finding no suitor who meets her own high standards, and disturbed by the new fleet of ships on her trade routes, Bilqis travels to Israel to meet the legendary Hebrew king and divert a needless and costly war.

How Solomon finally wins her, and how this beautiful queen resolves the conflicts among herself, her old religion, and the intrigues of her kinsmen, make The Queen of Sheba an exciting, bold novel of love and faith.


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