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Licht in der Porträtfotografie: 60 Workshops für das perfekte Spiel mit Licht und Schatten

von Steve Bavister

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56Keine478,171 (4.17)Keine
Great portraits are more than technique. They demand a broad range of skills...and a way with people.Lighting for Portrait Photographylooks at the work of top photographers who reveal exactly how their finest portraits were created, and the beautiful full-color examples throughout the book show famous and unknown faces in commercial, editorial, and personal work. Many different styles of portraiture are covered, from simple set-ups using one light to more advanced multi-light plans. This fully revised edition of a popular original includes completely new lighting diagrams and the latest equipment and techniques. * Great examples and explanations from top photographers * Portraits of the famous and the not-so-famous--and how each image was created * Fully revised and updated with new lighting diagrams and more… (mehr)
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Great portraits are more than technique. They demand a broad range of skills...and a way with people.Lighting for Portrait Photographylooks at the work of top photographers who reveal exactly how their finest portraits were created, and the beautiful full-color examples throughout the book show famous and unknown faces in commercial, editorial, and personal work. Many different styles of portraiture are covered, from simple set-ups using one light to more advanced multi-light plans. This fully revised edition of a popular original includes completely new lighting diagrams and the latest equipment and techniques. * Great examples and explanations from top photographers * Portraits of the famous and the not-so-famous--and how each image was created * Fully revised and updated with new lighting diagrams and more

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