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The Unhealthy Truth: How Our Food Is Making Us Sick - And What We Can Do About It (2009)

von Robyn O'Brien

Weitere Autoren: Rachel Kranz

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1073254,755 (4.08)1
Robyn O'Brien is not the most likely candidate for an antiestablishment crusade. A Houston native from a conservative family, this MBA and married mother of four was not someone who gave much thought to misguided government agencies and chemicals in our food--until the day her youngest daughter had a violent allergic reaction to eggs, and everything changed. The Unhealthy Truth is both the story of how one brave woman chose to take on the system and a call to action that shows how each of us can do our part and keep our own families safe. O'Brien turns to accredited research conducted in Europe that confirms the toxicity of America's food supply, and traces the relationship between Big Food and Big Money that has ensured that the United States is one of the only developed countries in the world to allow hidden toxins in our food--toxins that can be blamed for the alarming recent increases in allergies, ADHD, cancer, and asthma among our children. Featuring recipes and an action plan for weaning your family off dangerous chemicals one step at a time The Unhealthy Truth is a must-read for every parent--and for every concerned citizen--in America today.… (mehr)
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This book was informative but scares the hell out of me! It's fascinating in the data it gives about how US companies and the government are hiding so much from us about our food supply. That part just pissed me off. It will make me look closer at the food I eat and hopefully make better choices. ( )
  WellReadSoutherner | Apr 6, 2022 |
Interesting information, but presented in a most unprofessional way - the authors continual reference to her shock was tedious. I found it hard to credit, even when I knew that there was research to support her argument. I thought some of her leaps of logic and tenuous connections frustrating. I think that the majority of the points she makes are valid, so undermined by the emotional presentation. Also, the second half of the book is a guide to avoiding dodgy foods, and much of that is simple common sense, I was hoping for some more innovative suggestions than homemade macaroni and cheese. ( )
  francescadefreitas | Feb 28, 2010 |
Marie Kent:
While on vacation I dipped into Robyn O’Brien’s book The Unhealthy Truth: How Our Food is Making us Sick — And What We Can Do About It. After her daughter’s severe allergic reaction to eggs, O’Brien began researching why so many more children have food allergies today than they have in previous decades. Available in May, this book is mix of mom anecdotes and interesting facts, perfect for fans of Fast Food Nation and health-conscious eaters.
  RHLibrary | May 20, 2009 |
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AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Robyn O'BrienHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Kranz, RachelCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
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Robyn O'Brien is not the most likely candidate for an antiestablishment crusade. A Houston native from a conservative family, this MBA and married mother of four was not someone who gave much thought to misguided government agencies and chemicals in our food--until the day her youngest daughter had a violent allergic reaction to eggs, and everything changed. The Unhealthy Truth is both the story of how one brave woman chose to take on the system and a call to action that shows how each of us can do our part and keep our own families safe. O'Brien turns to accredited research conducted in Europe that confirms the toxicity of America's food supply, and traces the relationship between Big Food and Big Money that has ensured that the United States is one of the only developed countries in the world to allow hidden toxins in our food--toxins that can be blamed for the alarming recent increases in allergies, ADHD, cancer, and asthma among our children. Featuring recipes and an action plan for weaning your family off dangerous chemicals one step at a time The Unhealthy Truth is a must-read for every parent--and for every concerned citizen--in America today.

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