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Enhancing LAN Performance, Fourth Edition

von Gilbert Held

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Network managers tasked with establishing LANs, expanding or linking networks, and securing user access need a book that explores how to determine throughput rate and bandwidth while controlling network costs. Enhancing LAN Performance, Fourth Edition, explains how to connect geographically separated LANs with appropriate bandwidth, the issues to consider when weighing the use of multiport or dualport devices, how to estimate traffic for new networks, the effects of configuration changes on the performance of Ethernet and Token Ring networks, the design of switch-based networks that prevent traffic bottlenecks, and other topics critical to LAN managers. The book provides you with the tools to address these issues in relation to your specific network requirements. This volume develops mathematical models of various LAN performance issues, enabling you to determine the answers that are right for your organization. The author generated several QBASIC programs and Excel spreadsheet models, available on a corresponding Web site, that allow you to execute your calculations.; E nhancing LAN Performance examines a core set of operational issues that help you meet the demands of your user community without overconfiguring your systems. The author emphasizes the importance of not overspending on network resources that are not used, and instead recommends matching bandwidth with traffic to optimize efficiency, productivity, and cost savings.… (mehr)
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Network managers tasked with establishing LANs, expanding or linking networks, and securing user access need a book that explores how to determine throughput rate and bandwidth while controlling network costs. Enhancing LAN Performance, Fourth Edition, explains how to connect geographically separated LANs with appropriate bandwidth, the issues to consider when weighing the use of multiport or dualport devices, how to estimate traffic for new networks, the effects of configuration changes on the performance of Ethernet and Token Ring networks, the design of switch-based networks that prevent traffic bottlenecks, and other topics critical to LAN managers. The book provides you with the tools to address these issues in relation to your specific network requirements. This volume develops mathematical models of various LAN performance issues, enabling you to determine the answers that are right for your organization. The author generated several QBASIC programs and Excel spreadsheet models, available on a corresponding Web site, that allow you to execute your calculations.; E nhancing LAN Performance examines a core set of operational issues that help you meet the demands of your user community without overconfiguring your systems. The author emphasizes the importance of not overspending on network resources that are not used, and instead recommends matching bandwidth with traffic to optimize efficiency, productivity, and cost savings.

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